Page 41 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2022
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64.9 yuan/core kilometers, an increase of 20.14% compared to base stations have been purchased for this centralized purchase.
2020, and a price increase of more than 50%. The simultaneous The project is divided into five packages: Huawei, Ericsson,
rise in the volume and price of centralized procurement has also ZTE, Datang, and Nokia. The specific package segment
become a sign of the industry's bottoming out and recovery, as division and procurement volume are shown in the following
well as a reversal of prosperity. table:
In March of this year, China Mobile launched the centralized
procurement project for G.654E optical fiber and cable products
from 2022 to 2023, with a procurement scale of approximately
2134 skin kilometers, equivalent to 332400 core kilometers.
This is also the first time that G.654E fiber optic cable
centralized procurement has been started.
On September 20th, China Mobile "reported good news". The
bidding scale was 51900 skin long kilometers, equivalent to
9863300 core kilometers, an increase of 26% compared to 7.8
million core kilometers in 2021 and 67% compared to 2020.
According to the announcement made by the winning candidate, This centralized procurement will adopt a single source
the average unit price for this cable formation is 46.8 yuan/ procurement model, and the suppliers identified are: Huawei
core kilometer. Taking into account the actual implementation Technologies Co., Ltd., Ericsson (China) Communications
volume of non skeleton ribbon cables last year, it is believed Co., Ltd., ZTE Communications Co., Ltd., Datang Mobile
that the unit price of optical fiber and cable with cables this time Communications Equipment Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Nokia
has increased by about 20% year-on-year. Bell Co., Ltd.
At the same time, China Telecom has also launched a bidding
process for the centralized procurement of optical cables (2022- Section 2 Analysis of Optical Communication
2023). The quantity of optical cables purchased and introduced Market 2022
for this project is 2.5 million core kilometers, an increase of Ⅰ. Global Optical Fiber and Cable Market
nearly 20% compared to the centralized procurement scale of 1. Analysis of Global Optical Fiber and Cable Market
2.1 million core kilometers in May last year. In January 2022,
China Telecom announced that the average price for centralized With the popularity of COVID-19 vaccine, the epidemic
procurement of outdoor optical cables in 2021 was about 83.2 situation in some countries has been alleviated, but COVID-19
yuan/core kilometer, an increase of nearly 148% compared to continues to mutate. The lingering COVID-19, the war between
the average price of centralized procurement of outdoor optical Russia and Ukraine, the cost of living crisis and the tightened
cables in 2020, which was 33.6 yuan/core kilometer. financial situation in most regions have seriously affected the
China Unicom's local network optical cable project has future prospects of the global economy. Currently, the global
purchased 43.623 million core kilometers of G.652D optical economy is experiencing a slower than expected slowdown,
fiber, and China Radio and Television has purchased 9.03 with inflation rates higher than they have been for decades.
million core kilometers of ordinary optical fiber and butterfly In fact, since the second half of 2018, the global total demand
optical fiber, both of which have generated a total demand of for optical fiber and cable has been under downward pressure.
52.6535 million core kilometers of optical fiber and cable. At present, the global optical fiber and cable market has
In fact, as a new operator, China Radio and Television, the improved. Stimulated by the epidemic, the digitization process
fourth largest operator, has not yet completed its infrastructure has further accelerated, and investment in communication
construction compared to the three older operators, and there is network infrastructure in various countries has accelerated, and
significant incremental space. the demand for optical fiber and cable continues to grow. It is
According to statistics, the average price of domestic G.652D expected that the global optical fiber cable market value will
optical fiber in July is about 34-36 yuan/core kilometer, and the reach 12.111 billion US dollars in 2022 and 23.857 billion US
average price in August is about 35-36 yuan/core kilometer. The dollars in 2027.
price of optical fiber has risen to a stable period. Compared to European market demand continues to rise, benefiting from
the steadily rising domestic market, the price of overseas optical the European Digital Agenda 2025. The number of optical
fiber has shown a certain upward trend, with the current average fiber access in Europe has exceeded 100 million households,
price exceeding 40 yuan/core kilometer. and more than half of European households can use all-fiber
(2) Centralized procurement of important wireless master networks. The pace of construction in 2022 will be further
equipment by Chinese operators in 2022 accelerated, and it is expected that by the end of 2022, more
China Mobile started the procurement of 5G wireless main than 60% of households will be able to access the all-fiber
equipment (2.6GHz/4.9GHz) from 2022 to 2023 from a single Internet. The speed of optical fiber laying and construction in
source, with Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE, Datang Mobile, and the Netherlands is particularly significant. The Dutch operator
Shanghai Nokia Bell winning the bidding. A total of 220000 5G KPN expects to access more than 600000 households in 2022.