Page 38 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2022
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          2020. By the end of 2021, WindTre claimed that 5G DSS   In the field of fixed wireless access (FWA), T-Mobile has
          covered more than 95% of the population, that is, using both its   reached and exceeded the target of 500000 FWA users by the
          1800MHz and 2600MHz 4G and 5G frequencies. WindTre is   end of 2021 after launching the 5G FWA service in April 2021.
          also deploying its 3.7 GHz band, which reportedly covers over   It is expected that it will still increase by about 1.8 million in
          40% of the population.                                 2022. T-Mobile plans to expand to 7 million FWA users by the
          Iliad, TIM, and Vodafone purchased 3.7GHz spectrum at   end of 2025 through continuous promotion.
          the 2018 5G spectrum auction and conducted 5G network
          construction in major Italian cities. By the end of 2021,   2. Except for China, the demand for FTTx in other
          Vodafone's 5G network had covered 60 cities, TIM had covered   countrieremains strong
          about 20 cities, and Iliad had covered 27 cities.      Globally the construction of FTTx outside China has entered
                                                                 a period of rapid development, with a significant increase in
          Germany                                                investment scale. According to the latest annual FTTH/B market
          German mobile operators are expanding their 5G network and   survey conducted by the FTTH Committee's European Branch,
          also testing new technologies to improve the user experience   the number of households and direct users covered by FTTH/
          when connecting to 5G. The goal of Deutsche Telekom is to   B across Europe, including the United Kingdom, has increased
          achieve 90% population coverage in Germany; O2 has been   significantly year-on-year. As of September 2021, there are
          testing VoNR that directly establishes a phone connection   approximately 400 FTTH/B projects in 39 countries across
          within a 5G network, while Telekom has demonstrated the 5G   Europe.
          end-to-end network slicing function, implementing the "on-  It is expected that by 2022, 39 countries in Europe will be able
          demand performance" mode of video streaming, allowing   to achieve 111 million FTTH users, 62% of which are in the EU
          customers to automatically control and change their services   27 countries and the United Kingdom. By 2027, this number
          based on performance quality requirements. On the other hand,   will increase to 190 million, with the EU 27 countries and the
          Vodafone has considered deploying a 5G independent network   UK accounting for 65%. In 2022, the coverage of 39 European
          in Munich to test mobility, and claims to have launched the first   countries reached 21.7 billion, increasing to 309 million by
          independent 5G network in Europe within its footprint.  2027.

          Status quo of 5G in the United States                  Europe
          Since the official commercial launch of 5G in 2019, the   Spain, which has made great achievements in FTTH penetration
          development of 5G networks in the United States has lagged   in the past few years, continues to lead the European market
          behind due to delayed deployment of intermediate frequency   in terms of percentage of households passing through. In
          bands, lack of coordination among government departments,   order to implement the Spanish Digital 2025 Plan, the Spanish
          regulatory uncertainty, and pressure on Chinese companies.   government will invest 4.3 billion euros (34.2 billion yuan)
          According to OpenSignal data at the beginning of 2022, the   in public funds to promote the development of connectivity,
          US 5G network rate is the slowest in the world, with only 50.9   digital infrastructure, and 5G technology. At the same time, it
          Mbps.                                                  is expected that operators will invest approximately 24 billion
          According to data, by Q2 2021, AT&T had achieved 5G low-  euros (approximately 190.9 billion yuan) to launch FTTH and
          frequency network coverage for 230 million people in 14000   5G technologies. Increase fiber optic connectivity and expand
          towns, while 5G millimeter wave had been deployed in 38   5G coverage in areas with insufficient network services; The
          cities. In terms of frequency band, AT&T has low frequency   Spanish government allocated 36.8 million euros to expand
          850MHz and high frequency 28GHz and 39GHz spectrum.    the FTTH fiber optic network in rural areas, aiming to cover
          T-Mobile has achieved 5G network coverage of 290 million   91.24% of the Spanish population and 75.29% of rural areas
          people using its low frequency 600MHz 5G network, and   with ultra-high-speed broadband by the end of 2021.
          achieved 200 million people using medium and high frequency   The French government has increased the funding for the
          bands. Verizon achieves network coverage of over 230 million   deployment of THD projects for domestic optical fiber networks
          people through high-frequency bands. In terms of the number of   to 3.57 billion euros, providing an additional 570 million euros
          users, T-Mobile is also one step ahead in the development of 5G   for the deployment of optical fibers in rural areas, of which 420
          users due to its first-mover advantage in coverage.    million euros will be allocated to public networks that have not
          The 5G industry application in the United States is in the   yet received government subsidies.
          exploration stage, and T-Mobile, with its leading position in   Among European countries, there has been a significant
          5G coverage, is also increasing efforts to actively explore 5G   improvement in household coverage in the United Kingdom.
          services. It hopes to increase its service to enterprises from less   Since September 2021, the growth rate has been particularly
          than 10% to 20% within the next five years. This year, edge   rapid, with 600000 new households added every month, with a
          computing and private network services will be launched to   total of 3.5 million new households covered. By March 2022,
          combine 5G with distributed computing to meet the service   the total coverage reached 10.5 million. However, despite this,
          needs of enterprises for private networks with high data security.  there is still much room for effort.

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