Page 37 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2022
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a certain impact on communication equipment manufacturers.   frequency attribution map was released, including the 26GHz
          However, this move aims to optimize the layout and structure   frequency band for the first time, indicating that the government
          of base stations, and 5G construction will continue. The   intends to continue promoting the accelerated deployment of
          total number of 5G base stations will still increase in 2023,   5G on millimeter waves. At the same time, a 20 MHz frequency
          but the growth rate will slow down. In the future, the large-  band is reserved in the 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz frequency band
          scale application of 5G will greatly accelerate, with industry   for industrial applications.
          end single scenario applications being promoted to various   Spain has four national operators: MOVISTAR, Orange,
          industries, and single enterprise demonstration applications   Vodafone, and Yoigo. In mid January 2022, Vodafone
          being promoted to the entire industry. At the same time, with the   announced that it had launched 700MHz 5G in 109 cities in
          development of the metauniverse, more terminal applications   30 provinces. At that time, the operator's 3.5GHz 5G spectrum
          based on technologies such as the Internet of Things, high-  had covered 25 cities, of which 17 cities would also receive
          definition video, and extended reality will emerge, and 5G   700MHz 5G services, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia,
          applications on the consumer end will also accelerate.  Seville, Malaga, Zaragoza, Valladolid, and Murcia. At the end
                                                                 of December 2021, Yoigo claimed that its 5G network coverage
          Current situation of 5G in Europe: struggling to catch up  reached 54%. In early January, Orange's 5G population
          The overall progress of 5G in Europe is seriously lagging   coverage was reported to be 52%, and operators are seeking to
          behind, and the population covered by 5G is still less than 10%.   increase to 90%.
          Compared to more than 60% in China, 90% in South Korea, and
          45% in the United States, Europe is at a lower level. Nick Read,   Norway
          CEO of Vodafone, stated at the 2022 World Mobile Conference   Telenor and Telia launched commercial 5G services in March
          that it would be at least 10 years before Europe could achieve   and May 2020, respectively. Since the launch of 5G, Norwegian
          5G global coverage. The report of the European Audit Agency   operators have obtained additional 5G spectrum in multiple
          (ECA) points out that most member countries are expected to   frequency bands.
          have difficulty achieving the common goal of 5G development   In October 2021, the Norwegian National Communications
          in 2025. By 2025, only 35% of mobile connections in Europe   Agency (NKOM) auctioned a total of 590 MHz on the 2.6 GHz
          are expected to be based on 5G technology, down from 51%   and 3.6 GHz frequency bands. NKOM previously allocated
          in North America and 53% in Australia, Japan, Singapore, and   the 2.6 GHz frequency band to mobile operators in 2007 for
          South Korea.                                           a period of 15 years. Telenor obtained 80 MHz in the 2.6
                                                                 GHz frequency band and 120 MHz in the 3.6 GHz frequency
                                                                 band, while Telia obtained 60 MHz and 100 MHz in these two
                                                                 frequency bands, respectively. ICE, Norway's third mobile
                                                                 operator, obtained an 80MHz data block in the 3.6 GHz band.
                                                                 However, not all of these new spectrum can be deployed
                                                                 immediately: the 3.6 GHz band will be released from January 1,
                                                                 2022, while the 2.6 GHz band will be available from January 1,

                                                                 The 5G spectrum positions of the three Finnish mobile operators
                                                                 DNA, Elisa, and Telia are very similar, with the same amount of
                                                                 spectrum obtained in the recent 700MHz, 3.5GHz, and 26GHz
                                                                 5G spectrum auctions.
                                                                 After launching its family 5G service in December 2019,
                              Source: GSMA Intelligence          DNA has achieved 5G coverage for 53% of the population by
          As European operators gradually emerge from the impact of the   November 2021. Elisa began pre selling its 5G mobile devices
          epidemic, about 90% of their investment in the future will be   and plans in May 2019, and by October 2021, the 5G network
          directed towards 5G, and the situation is expected to improve.   will cover more than 60% of the population. Telia launched its
          According to GSMA data, European mobile operators will   first 5G device and service in October 2019, and by October
          invest 145 billion euros from 2020 to 2025, of which about 90%   2021, operators had covered 54% of the population on 5G
          will invest in 5G.                                     networks.

          Spain                                                  Italy
          After auctioning the 700MHz spectrum in July 2021, the   There are four mobile operators in Italy, namely Iliad, TIM,
          Spanish government is preparing to auction the 26GHz   Vodafone, and WindTre. These four Italian mobile operators
          frequency band for 5G. At the end of 2021, a new national   launched 5G services between June 2019 and December

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