Page 42 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2022
P. 42

          In South America, a region where optical fiber penetration   continue to benefit from the data growth brought by the Eastern
          is still low, the optical fiber market has grown slightly due to   Digital and Western Computing, driving the demand for optical
          the resumption of investment by major telecommunications   fiber and cable industry to improve.
          operators. Strong demand for communication products in   The price of centralized procurement of optical cables has
          the Chilean market. By the end of 2021, Brazil's broadband   warmed up, and the industry's supply and demand pattern has
          network has covered more than 90% of the population, and the   gradually improved. Since the second half of 2021, especially
          4G network construction has completed 80% of the target, with   since October 2021, operators such as China Mobile and China
          a user volume of 260 million.                          Telecom have shown a trend of increasing both quantity and
          The demand for optical fiber and cable in the APAC market is   price in their centralized procurement bidding for common
          stable. In 2021, the Chinese market, which accounts for about   optical cable products, and both the procurement scale and price
          half of the global optical fiber and cable market demand, will   have significantly increased compared to the previous year. In
          improve, thus promoting the recovery of the global optical fiber   the first half of 2022, the four major operators promoted the
          and cable market. In China, after several years of contraction   construction of 5G dual gigabit networks, making the optical
          in the optical fiber and cable market, demand has resumed an   fiber and cable industry profit.
          upward trend, while prices have also risen.            Driven by overseas markets, the global optical communication
          Data consumption at all levels of North American society   market is facing new development opportunities. Currently,
          continues to grow significantly. Demand has led major market   the global digitization process is accelerating, and countries
          participants to increase investment in fiber optic network   continue to strengthen investment in communication network
          infrastructure.                                        infrastructure construction. The demand for optical fiber and
          According to Rankigs of Top 10 competitiveness in the optical   cable in major overseas target market regions such as Europe,
          fiber and cable field of Global market in 2022 released by the   Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America is growing
          Institute of Network Telecommunications Information, the top   rapidly, and the overseas market for optical fiber and cable
          10 enterprises are occupied by four countries, namely, from the   continues to expand. The demand for optical fiber and cable in
          United States (Corning), Italy (Prysman), Japan (Koko Electric/  overseas markets also promotes the export of China's optical
          Ofs, Sumitomo Electric, Fujikura), and China (Changfei,   fiber and cable products. According to customs data, from
          Hengtong, Fenghuo, Zhongtian, and Futong), with Chinese   January to June 2022, China's export volume of optical cables
          enterprises accounting for half of the total.          (customs code: 85447000) was 5.477 billion meters, up 12.65%

                                                                 According to rankings of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises
          2.Analysis of optical fiber and cable market of China  in the optical fiber and cable field of China in 2022, YOFC,
          In 2022, China's 5G network construction accelerated, and   Hengtong, FiberHome, ZTT and Futong are the top five
          gigabit broadband penetration increased. As an important   respectively.
          transmission channel in optical communication networks, the   The release of dividends in the operator market and overseas
          performance of optical fiber and cable plays an important role in   markets has stimulated the demand for optical fiber and cable,
          ensuring network quality. With the development requirements   stimulating the recovery of China's optical fiber and cable
          of the next generation of large capacity and high-speed optical   industry. China's optical fiber and cable enterprises have strong
          transmission systems, new types of optical fiber and cable have   competitiveness, which is also a strong proof that China's
          a good development prospect.                           optical fiber and cable enterprises occupy a large market share
          On February 17, 2022, with the official and comprehensive   in the global market.
          launch of the Mega-projects approved for data clusters, the
          investment of the three major operators in 2022 will focus on   Ⅱ. Global optical transmission market
          the transmission network and the Eastern Digital and Western   Due to the war in Ukraine, the weak euro currency, and soaring
          Computing project. As a transmission channel for the Eastern   fuel (natural gas and oil) costs, it is expected that the European
          Digital and Western Computing, optical fiber and cable will   optical transmission equipment market will decline in 2022,

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