Page 43 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2022
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with market revenue in the Asia Pacific region, including China,   home and go to school at home, thus creating greater demand
          declining by a single digit percentage year on year. In the   for faster, more universal and more reliable networks. Although
          first half of this year, the Chinese optical transmission market   supply chain disruptions continue, the industry is basically
          contracted by 6% and is expected to decline throughout the   able to overcome these issues, resulting in strong growth in the
          year.                                                  optical device and module markets in 2020 and 2021.
          As demand for new optical equipment surged faster than supply   The global transceiver period market is expected to deliver
          in 2021, some deliveries were delayed until 2022. Therefore, the   another strong (14%) revenue growth in 2022 after growing
          growth of the North American market in the first half of 2022   10% and 17% in 2021 and 2020, respectively. However, market
          is well over 10%. As long as optical suppliers have sufficient   growth is expected to slow to 4% in 2023 before recovering
          components to manufacture optical transmission systems,   in 2024-2025. Demand for optical devices is strong across all
          the North American market is expected to achieve growth   market segments, but persistent bottlenecks in the global supply
          throughout the year.                                   chain are negatively impacting sales of 400G DR4 and 100G
          The shortage of components is one of the biggest problems   DR1+ transceivers to Amazon in the first nine months of 2022.
          in the optical transmission market this year. Many equipment   meta has significantly increased its optical device deployments
          manufacturers have been unable to meet customer orders,   this year, but its latest forecast for 2023 is sharply lower.
          reducing their annual revenue. This supply problem is expected   The market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate
          to continue into the first half of 2023. Therefore, predicting   (CAGR) of 11% in 2022-2027, with strong sales of DWDM
          the market size in 2022 and 2023 is more based on forecasting   and Ethernet optics accounting for the majority of market
          supply than demand.                                    growth in 2021. It is expected that these market segments will
          Rankings of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical   continue to lead growth in 2022-2027. The sales of optical
          transmission and network access equipment field of Global   interconnects, mainly active optical cable (AOC), will also grow
          market in 2022 shows that 10 enterprises are from 7 countries:   at a double-digit rate in the next five years.
          Sweden (Ericsson), Finland (Nokia), the United States (Ciena),
          Germany (ADVA), Japan (NEC, Sumitomo Electric), and
          China (Huawei, ZTE, and Fiber).

                                                                 With the end of the 10G upgrade cycle in the Chinese market
                                                                 and the gradual increase in 10G PON deployments in North
                                                                 America and Europe driven by government funded projects,
                                                                 PON sales on FTTx networks will remain stable. The 25G
                                                                 and 50G PONs will provide new growth in the later part of the
          Driven by large Internet content providers (ICPs) such as   forecast period. Wireless forwarding is a weak sector as China's
          Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, a large number of 400ZRs will   5G network deployment is nearing completion. With the start of
          be shipped in 2023. In addition to these ICPs, communication   6G deployment, this segment will resume growth in 2026-2027.
          service providers also have a broad interest in 400ZR. Although
          IPoDWDM will reduce the demand for DWDM metropolitan   Section 3: Global Operator Performance
          area repeaters in Data Center Interconnection (DCI), sales   Ⅰ. Major global operators
          of Independent Optical Line Systems (OLS) are expected to
          increase, possibly doubling by 2023.                   AT&T
                                                                 In the third quarter of 2022, AT&T achieved revenue from
          Ⅲ. Global optical device market                        continuing operations of $30 billion, down 4.1% from $31.3
          The optical communication industry has entered 2020 with a   billion in the same period last year. Cash from operating
          very strong momentum. At the end of 2019, the demand for   activities from continuing operations was $10.1 billion, capital
          Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Ethernet,   investment was $6.8 billion, and free cash flow for the quarter
          and wireless forward connections surged; In 2020 and 2021, due   was $3.8 billion. In the third quarter, AT&T added 338000
          to the COVID-19 pandemic, people will mainly turn to work at   fiber broadband users, an increase from 289000 in the same

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