Page 39 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2020
P. 39

From the point of view of centralized purchasing scale,   fiber and cable demand remain stable.
          the scale of centralized purchasing 2020 is the largest
          in the single bidding, which is close to 120 million fiber   Demand in Europe continues to rise thanks to the Digital
          kilometers. From the perspective of the number of winning   Agenda for Europe 2025. FTTH networks are preferred
          bidders in concentrated purchasing, the number of winning   in France, Spain, Portugal and northern Europe, while
          bidders in 2018 was 10-18, in 2019 10-13, and in 2020   G.FAST is the norm in Germany and the UK. Although
          10-14, representing the number of winning bidders and   these systems use the last meter of the existing copper cable
          winning shares vary.                                   network, a large number of cables are needed to upgrade
                                                                 the distribution network. In other places, such as Italy, the
          In 2020, the collection volume of common optical cable   two technologies coexist.
          rose but the price fell. Throughout the bidding enterprise
          quotation, the highest price was 21.68 yuan without tax,   South America's main operators have resumed investments
          while other manufacturers were quoted below 20 yuan.   in optical fiber cables because of political stability.
          Among them, four quoted prices between 19 and 20
          yuan, five quoted prices between 18 and 19 yuan and four   The copper cable market is slowing as related products
          quoted prices below 18 yuan. Volume-rising and price-  mature. The increased demand for Internet access has led
          falling concentrated purchasing will undoubtedly make the   major operators to choose to use optical fiber to update
          optical fiber and cable enterprises continue to be in a weak   their networks rather than maintain or upgrade existing
          period of development, and optical fiber and cable material   networks.
          enterprises will face a huge pressure of survival.
                                                                 Global growth has been sluggish because of the downturn
          (2)2020 China operators’ significant wireless main     in the Chinese and Asian cable markets. However, the
          equipment centralized purchasing                       demand for professional and office environments and
            Figure 5: 2020 China operators’ significant wireless   greater bandwidth capacity in data centers is driving
                  main equipment collective purchasing           demand growth. In addition, industrial applications require
                                                                 new highly specialized products (Industry 4.0) and HDTV
                                                                 cables (used for broadcasting digital content, such as
                                                                 sports events or other activities of media interest) are also
                                                                 important sources of growth.
                                                                   Figure 6: Global performance of optical fiber and
                                                                                  cable manufacturers

          A total of 520,000 5G base stations will be procured for
          5G wireless master equipment of the three major operators,
          including over 270,000 5G base stations to be purchased by
          China Mobile for the newly built and expanded 5G phase
          II, and 250,000 5G base stations to be purchased by China
          Telecom and China Unicom through joint networking.
          Bidding for 5G base stations from China Mobile, China
          Telecom and China Unicom totaled 76 billion yuan. China
          Broadcast Network’s 5G investment will also be gradually
          launched. Eventually, the acceleration of 5G network   2.China's optical fiber and cable market status
          construction will drive the release of production capacity of   In 2019, the construction of FTTx and 4G came to an end,
          the whole industrial chain.
                                                                 while 5G had just hit the road. This year was at a critical
                                                                 juncture for the optical fiber and cable industry. In the
          Section Two: 2020 Optical Communication                fourth quarter of 2019, 5G was officially commercialized
          Market Analysis                                        in China, and overall demand began to climb. With the
          I: Global Optical Fiber and Cable Market               formal commercial use of 5G, the demand for optical fiber
          1. Global optical fiber and cable market analysis      and cable will continue to grow steadily, and the optical
          The global fiber and cable market shrank slightly in 2019.   communication industry will continue to prosper.
          Compared with 2019, the market will rebound in 2020. The
          APAC market and the North American market for optical   New technologies and services such as 5G commercial
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