Page 44 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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FiberHome Achieves Major Innovation of Industry's First
NANF & S+C+L Band Real-Time Transmission
System with 270Tbps+ Capacity
R ecently, FiberHome, in collaboration with Peng In recent years, driven by advancements in new quality
productive forces, technologies such as high-definition live
Cheng Laboratory, the National Key Laboratory of Optical streaming and AI big data models have rapidly evolved and
Communication Systems and Networks of the China found widespread application, leading to explosive growth in
Information and Communication Technology Group, the the demand for fiber optic communication system capacity.
National Optoelectronics Innovation Center (NOEIC), Additionally, computing power networks, data centers, and
and Wuhan Fisilink Microelectronics Technology Co., supercomputing clusters have set higher latency requirements
Ltd., announced a significant breakthrough at the Wuhan for fiber optic communication systems. To address these
International Optoelectronics Expo. They successfully challenges, optical fiber transmission systems need to
launched an ultra-large-capacity real-time transmission innovate across multiple dimensions, including increasing
system based on hollow-core fiber, achieving a 19.65 THz single-channel rates, expanding spectrum and channels, and
ultra-wideband real-time transmission across the S+C+L utilizing new transmission media to enhance overall system
bands. This system supports bidirectional transmission with performance. However, traditional single-mode fiber systems
the same wavelength over a single fiber, boasting a maximum are approaching the Shannon limit due to constraints from
transmission capacity exceeding 270 Tbit/s and a peak single- nonlinear effects, Rayleigh scattering, and other factors,
channel rate of up to 1.2 Tbit/s. making the search for new transmission media critical for
future breakthroughs.
This successful experiment marks a major innovation in
large-capacity optical fiber transmission systems, further Hollow-core fibers offer significant advantages over
validating the low-loss, ultra-low nonlinearity, and ultra- traditional silica fibers, including lower transmission latency,
low backscattering properties of hollow-core fiber. The ultra-low nonlinearity, ultra-wide bandwidth resources, and
achievement provides a solid theoretical foundation and the potential for ultra-low loss. These properties make hollow-
practical feasibility for future 800G and Tbit+ systems, core fibers an ideal medium for future ultra-high-speed, ultra-
advancing the integration of these high-speed technologies large-capacity, ultra-long-distance, and ultra-low-latency
with hollow-core fiber infrastructure. optical network communication systems. Their widespread
application is expected to have a profound impact on the
optical communication industry, as well as on emerging
technologies in AI and cloud computing.
In 2024, FiberHome extended the transmission spectrum to
the S-band using G.654E fiber, achieving the industry's first
prototype testing of single-channel Tbit/s-level ultra-wideband
transmission across the S+C+L bands. This year, FiberHome
continued to tap into the potential of the S-band, setting a
record for high-capacity real-time transmission using hollow-
core fiber. This innovative breakthrough has resulted in several
key achievements: