Page 47 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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an integrated computing system, empowering various is integral for the construction of premium transmission
industries with intelligence. networks. The platform digitalizes transmission network
resources — such as bandwidth, latency, and reliability
— to implement the integrated scheduling of computing
power and transmission capabilities. For example,
the management and control platform can select an
optimal path based on various service requirements,
such as bandwidth and deterministic latency, as well as
corresponding network resources to implement fast service
For the 400G 3D-mesh backbone transmission network, ● In-Depth Integration of Computing Power and
in terms of architecture, network reconstruction is oriented Premium Transmission Networks, Empowering
to computing power, and all-optical cross-connect (OXC) is Various Industries with Intelligence
used to build a 3D-mesh all-optical network. Moreover, an Currently, underpinned by premium transmission networks,
ultra-high-speed optical plane is added to hotspot areas to intelligent computing power is rapidly integrating into all
prevent network congestion, helping to build a data highway aspects of social production and life, and many computing
between computing centers. In terms of bandwidth, OTN power applications are emerging. For example, an operator
networks are replacing the conventional 100G/200G rate in Jiangsu province cooperates with a third party to
with 400G, reducing the per-bit cost by more than 30% build a "Future Judge Assistant". The operator deploys
and bringing considerable technical dividends. In terms of a foundation model in the computing power center of
reliability, based on the multi-path protection of optical- its mobile equipment room, and provides AI inference
electrical synergy ASON, the backup path is automatically services for courts through OTN private lines. This
restored, and each protection switching time is shorter assistant has court-specific models that feature multi-modal
than 50 ms. This ensures that network availability reaches file understanding and legal semantic cognition. This
99.9999% and computing power is accessible as long as helps judges efficiently review case files, identify dispute
there is a path. focuses, and organize evidence. According to the trial use
in more than 100 courts, the judges' file review workload
For the 1 ms one-hop metro transmission network, has been reduced by 80%, and the overall time required for
a comprehensive upgrade needs to be performed in two handling cases has been reduced by about 2/3.
directions — horizontal and vertical — to efficiently match
supply and demand between city computing resources An operator in Hubei province of China puts cloud Internet
and various industries. In the horizontal direction, OXC cafe products into commercial use. With products that
is used to build a metro core mesh network. This helps combine computing and networking (edge GPU resources
to resolve the DCI's high latency caused by route detours and OTN private lines), Internet cafe owners only need
in a ring network architecture and implement high- to purchase monitors and thin clients (TCs), eliminating
speed interconnection between computing centers. In the the need for high-performance computers and reducing
vertical direction, OTN is extended to network edges to electricity costs. This is a win for both enterprises and the
improve OTN reachability in key areas and support the operator.
access of multiple 10G/100G services at metro edge sites.
Additionally, OXC is extended from the core layer to the Intelligence will be ubiquitous in the next decade, and a
aggregation and access layers, greatly reducing the latency solid network foundation is required to support it. Based
caused by optical-electrical conversions and achieving on the F5.5G 10 Gbps all-optical access network and
premium access to computing within deterministic latency. premium transmission network, the gap between supply
and demand of computing power is bridged, 99.9999%
An intelligent management and control platform is critical availability ensures that computing power is always on, 1
ms deterministic latency ensures that computing power is
instantly accessible, and ubiquitous 10 Gbps access makes
computing power accessible everywhere. This sets the
stage for intelligence to empower various industries.