Page 40 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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CHINA                                               exceed 20 billion dollars in 2027. The market scale of silicon
                                                                       photonic-based optical device products will reach 30 million
   Figure 7 Market Share of Enterprises in the Global                  dollars cumulatively from 2021 to 2026.
Optical Transmission and Network Access Equipment Field

             Data source: Compiled and drawn by by the Network         Measures such as the expansion of China’s backbone network,
                      Telecommunication Research institute             the high-quality development of the “dual gigabit” network, and
                                                                       the moderately advanced construction of 5G and computing
In the optical transmission equipment market, there are                power not only promote the development of the optical fiber
continuous acquisition and restructuring activities. In June           and cable industry but also provide opportunities for the
2024, NOKIA announced that it will spend 2.3 billion dollars           optical device and module market. In 2017, the market scale of
to acquire America optical communication equipment                     optical devices in China was about 13.7 billion yuan. In 2023,
manufacturer Infinera to expand its optical market scale               the market scale reached 27.3 billion yuan, with a compound
and gain a larger market share. This acquisition will enable           growth rate of about 12.18%.
NOKIA’s optical network department to obtain some new
products that have achieved major success in design and will           Optical module device enterprises above designated size
also expand NOKIA’s access to the North American market.               at home and abroad have achieved revenue or profit
                                                                       increases to varying degrees. AI demand has driven the the
                                                                       release of high-speed optical devices, and performance has
                                                                       been continuously verified. The revenues of major listed optical
                                                                       device enterprises at home and abroad have all achieved strong
                                                                       growth, and the growth trend is expected to continue.

                                                                       Figure 8 Revenue of major listed optical fiber and cable
                                                                                     enterprises in China from 2018 to 2023

 In the Chinese optical transmission equipment market, the                            Data source: Compiled and drawn by the Network
 industry scale is continuously expanding and the enterprise                                 Telecommunication Research Institute
 competing pattern is relatively stable. According to the list of the
 top 10 competitive enterprises in China’s optical transmission        The optical device market is facing a new round of
 and network access equipment, HUAWEI, ZTE, FiberHome,                 reshuffling, and the market share of Chinese enterprises in
 TIANYI, CIG, SDGI, Shanshui, GW Delight, RAISECOM,                    the optical device market is further expanding. At the time
 CHULINXINXI are ranked in the top ten.                                of a new round of technological innovation, some enterprises
                                                                       make early layouts and seize the initiative, shining brightly or
 III. Global optical device market                                     emerging in the new round of reshuffling. Some enterprises are
                                                                       slow to respond and are gradually being squeezed out of the
 In the optical communication market in 2024, some are happy           competition camp.
 while some are worried. When it comes to the most eye-
 catching performance in the market, the optical device market         In the list of the top 10 competitiveness enterprises in global
 must be mentioned. With the development boom of generative            optical devices and optical modules in 2024, Coherent tops the
 AI, it has driven the demand for high-speed optical modules to        list with a market share of 15.28%. BROADCOM, Zhongji
 fully enter a period of high growth. In particular, the demand        Innolight, Lumentum, Accelink, and Hisence Broadband rank
 for high-speed optical modules with increase significantly, and       the top six on the list with market shares of 10.97%, 9.38%,
 the optical device industry is ushering in an opportunity period      10.17%, 5.58%, and 4.54% respectively. The detailed global
 for vigorous development. On the whole, the optical device            market share of optical devices and optical module is shown in
 industry is still in a development stage of upward growth.            the following figure.

 The market scale of optical devices is expected to continue
 to grow. Incremental demands such as 1.6T and 800G are
 expected to be continuously released. At the same time, the
 commercialization expectations of new products such as LPO,
 CPO, and silicon photonics are accelerated. Capital expenditures
 of domestic and foreign customers on AI computing power
 will continue to increase quarter-on-quarter. According to
 Lightcounting’s prediction, the global market scale of optical
 modules may maintain growth at a CAGR (compound annual
 growth rate) of 11% from 2022 to 2027, and is expected to

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