Page 41 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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Figure 9 Market Share of Enterprises in the Global                                  higher cost of equipment and sales due to subscriber growth and
                 Optical Components Field                                           the adverse impact of foreign exchange; Operating income of
                                                                                    $5.8 billion, compared to $6.4 billion in the prior year period;
                                                                                    And net income attributable to common shareholders was $3.5
                                                                                    billion, compared with $4.4 billion a year earlier. Adjusted
                                                                                    EBITDA was $11.3 billion, compared with $11.1 billion a
                                                                                    year ago. Capital expenditures were $4.4 billion in the second
                                                                                    quarter, compared with $4.3 billion in the same period last
                                                                                    year, a slight increase. Free cash flow was $4.6 billion, up $400
                                                                                    million from the prior year.

                Data source:Compiled and drawn by the Internet                      Verizon
                      Telecommunication Research Institute                          The telecommunications company had more than 11.5 million
                                                                                    broadband subscribers at the end of the second quarter of
In the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical                            2024, up 17.2% year-over-year; Of which 391,000 broadband
components and auxiliary equipment field of China in 2024,                          subscribers were added during the quarter, marking the eighth
Accelink, Zhongji Innolight, Eoptolink, TFC, JONHON,                                consecutive quarter of net broadband subscriber additions
HGTECH, LUSTER, O-Net, AFR, and Sunstar are ranked in                               of more than 375,000. The number of wireless subscribers
the top ten.                                                                        exceeded 3.8 million, up nearly 69 percent year-over-year, with
                                                                                    378,000 new households added in the quarter.
Overall, 2024 presents both challenges and opportunities                            Verizon Communications reported strong wireless services
for industry enterprises. The rapid development of the                              revenue, broadband subscriber growth, and continued good
communication industry is forcing the industry to reshuffle,                        momentum in its three financial priorities of wireless services
and on the other hand, it is also driving industry enterprises to                   revenue, consolidated adjusted EBITDA, and free cash flow
constantly move towards "new" development. It still takes time                      for the second quarter of 2024. In terms of specific data, the
to verify whether enterprises can break through the encirclement                    company's total operating revenue for the second quarter of
and move towards a better tomorrow in the process of industry                       2024 was $32.8 billion, an increase of 0.6% from the second
upgrading and transformation.                                                       quarter of 2023. Consolidated net income for the second quarter
                                                                                    was $4.7 billion, down from consolidated net income of $4.8
Section 3: Global operator performance                                              billion in the second quarter of 2023, and consolidated adjusted
                                                                                    EBITDA was $12.3 billion, up from $12 billion in the second
For operators, on the one hand, the traditional services based on networking        quarter of 2023. Earnings per share were $1.09, compared to
communication tend to be saturated. Although the total number of users is           $1.10 per share in the second quarter of 2023.
still rising steadily, the growth rate has slowed down significantly, and there
is a situation that the increment has not increased revenue; On the other hand,     2.Europe
the emerging business represented by the intelligent number of co mputing           Vodafone (UK)
network is growing faster, but the proportion of the overall revenue is still low.  British telecommunications company Vodafone (VOD) reports
At present, AI is becoming an important driving force leading a new round of        its first quarter results for the fiscal year 2025 to the end of June
                                                                                    2024. Total first-quarter revenue rose 2.8 percent to 9 billion
global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation.       euros (about $1 billion), with organic services revenue growth
                                                                                    partially offset by unfavorable foreign exchange movements.
Ⅰ.In addition to China, the world's major operators                                 The slowdown in the European region, including Germany, was
1.Americas                                                                          mainly due to increases in inflation-linked prices in the previous
                                                                                    year and the phased implementation of business project work.
AT&T                                                                                The Company continued to deliver strong revenue growth in
AT&T is the largest telecommunications company in the United                        Africa and Turkey.
States, with 438 million 4G subscribers and more than 302
million 5G subscribers in North America by the end of 2023.                         Deutsche Telekom
The company had 8.3 million wireline broadband customers,                           Deutsche Telekom reports second quarter and first half 2024
adding 1.1 million during the year. As of January 31, 2024, the                     results. Quarterly net revenue was 28.394 billion euros (about
company had 149,900 employees.                                                      $31.5 billion), compared with 27.221 billion euros a year earlier.
                                                                                    Quarterly EBITDA profit was 11.976 billion euros, compared
For the second quarter of 2024, AT&T reported quarterly                             with 11.077 billion euros a year earlier. Quarterly net profit was
revenue of $29.8 billion, down 0.4% from $29.9 billion a                            2.088 billion euros, compared with 1.539 billion euros a year
year earlier, due to lower business cable services revenue and                      earlier. First-half net revenue of 56.337 billion euros (about $62.5
lower mobile device revenue due to lower unit sales. Operating
expenses were $24 billion compared to $23.5 billion in the prior                                                                                                              39
year period, with higher operating expenses primarily due to
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