Page 38 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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share respectively. Indian enterprise Sterlite is on the list for the       The demand for optical cables has slowed down, and the
first time, occupying about 2.50% of the global market share.               output has decreased compared with the same period of
                                                                            last year. In terms of the output of optical fibers and cables
    Figure 3 Market Share of Enterprises in the Global                      in China, due to the continuous growth of industry demand
                   Optical Fiber and Cable Field                            and capacity expansion, the domestic optical cable output
                                                                            generally showed an upward trend. China’s optical cable output
                                                                            increased from 227 million core kilometers in 2013 to 342
                                                                            million core kilometers in 2017. From 2018 to 2019, due to the
                                                                            decline in capital expenditures of operators and other factors,
                                                                            the industry output continued to decline. Since 2020, driven
                                                                            by 5G investment FTTR, the optical cable output has resumed
                                                                            growth. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, the optical cable output was
                                                                            322 million, 346 million and 323 million core kilometers
                                                                            respectively, maintaining a relatively stable demand trend as a

                Data source: Compiled and drawn by the Network              As of the end of September 2024, the cumulative output of
                                                                            optical cables in China was 200 million core kilometers.
                       Telecommunication Research Institute                 Compared with the cumulative output of the same period of
                                                                            last year, the decline was 20.30%. The main reason for the out
2.Current status of the optical fiber and cable market in                   declines id still insufficient demand and insufficient orders for
China                                                                       optical fiber and cable enterprises.
Benefiting from the continuously development of domestic
5G networks, fiber-to-the-home, the Internet of Things, and                 The market competition pattern is basically stable, and
big data, as well as the deployment of “computing power from                the head effect is obvious. In terms of the competition
the east to the west” and the application and development of                pattern, major manufactures in the optical fiber and cable
artificial intelligence, the transmission capacity of China’s               industry in China have undergone full competition in multiple
communication network is continuously and steadily improving,               communication cycle constructions and formed a relatively
constantly driving new demand growth and product upgrades in                stable industry pattern.
optical fibers and cables.
                                                                            According to the list of “the Winner of the Top 10 competitive
The total length of optical cable lines in China is steadily                Enterprises in Optical Fiber and Cable Industry of China
increasing. With the overall network construction and the                   in 2024”, YOFC, HTGD, FiberHome, ZTT, TONGDING,
development of the digital economy in China, the construction               ETERN, SDGI,Tongguang, FUTONG, and Nangfang are
of 5G and the upgrade of gigabit optical fibers have driven                 ranked in the top ten. In terms of market share, the top 10
the continuous improvement of market demand, and the total                  leading manufactures occupy about 91.74% of the market share.
length of optical cable lines has grown steadily. According to
the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information                  Figure 5 Market share distribution of Chinese optical
Technology, as of the end of 2023, the total length of optical                               fiber and cable enterprises in 2024
cables in China reached 64.32 million kilometers, a net increase
of 4.74 million kilometers compared to 2022, with a year-on-
year growth of approximately 8.0%

Figure 4 Total length of optical cable lines in China
                       in recent years

      Data source: Compiled and drawn by the National Bureau of Statistics                 Data source: Compiled and drawn by the Network
              and the Network Telecommunication Research Institute                                Telecommunication Research institute

36                                                                          The revenue of optical fiber and cable enterprises as a whole
                                                                            maintains a relatively stable trend. In 2023, the total revenue
                                                                            of major listed optical fiber and cable enterprises in China
                                                                            was about 4.15 billion yuan, basically the same as that of the
                                                                            previous year.
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