Page 28 - 网络电信2023年6月刊
P. 28
Digital Economy Development in Thailand
演讲嘉宾:泰国数字经济和社会部(MDES)部长助理兼工业联合会(FTI)工业信息和通信技术研究所副主席 Pranontha Titavunno
The agriculture sector accounted for 8.55% of the total,
while SMEs contributed 34.60%. The combined GDP from
farming and SMEs still fell short of the share generated by
corporates. Large companies made up the wealthy top of the
pyramid, but they number only around 10,000 and are largely
foreign-owned. More than 50% of the economy’s output came
from these firms. This means that the income structure of
economy can be viewed as “fragile”.
At the 2023 Global Optical Fiber and Cable Conference,
Pranontha Titavunno, Assistant Minister of Ministry of Digital
Economy and Society (MDES) of Thailand, has delivered
a speech which title is “Digital Economy Development in
Thailand”, giving a comprehensive presentation about the
significant progress that Thailand has made in developing
its digital economy which has resulted in the creation of new
business opportunities and the enhancement of the country's Thailand's fragile economy is hindering people at the
overall competitiveness. middle and bottom of the income pyramid to gain access to
Here are the key points of the speech:
digital technology and innovation, particularly in the deep
tech sector. Moreover, Thailand faces pressures from climate
change, unstable seasons, an aging population, international
conflicts, and, most importantly, economic problems from the
Covid- 19 pandemic, now in its third year. The tourism sector
has not fully recovered, causing a slump in business and
economic momentum.
Covid-19 has been accompanied by digital disruption
across every sector. Many people have been able to embrace
digital technology and thrive. But many others cannot adapt.
Some have limited access to digital devices. Some are simply
From the total population of about 67 million people in unable to utilize digital technology. This became obvious in the
2021, the bottom of the income pyramid represented 8 million education sector, where teaching and learning have shifted to
farming households and 15 million agricultural workers. 3 online channels. Some students have been unable to continue
million small and medium-size businesses made up the middle their studies because they lack up-to-date devices. And many
of the pyramid. People in the middle and lower-income groups, older adults are unable to use mobile applications at all. These
which are the backbone of the economy, generated only problems have created a pervasive digital divide.
43.15% of total GDP.
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