Page 49 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2021
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Fiber Technology Review and Outlook

                                         for Submarine Networks

          Chen Hao, John Hedgpeth
          Corning Incorporated

          1. Introduction                                        slope fiber were carefully selected and assembled to
                                                                 minimize residual span dispersion and dispersion slope.
            ubmarine networks are essential parts of today’s optical
          communications infrastructure, which carries more than   Fig. 1  Dispersion-managed fiber solution for direct detection system
          99 percent of inter-continental data traffic. Driven by the
          ever-increasing bandwidth demand from cloud & content
          providers, the submarine fiber and cable market continues
          to show strong demand and multiple tens of new submarine
          cable projects are expected to be deployed in the next few
          In the past decade, fiber capacity has exponentially increased
          thanks to the proliferation of fiber-based transmission
          technologies. In the meantime, fiber attributes also have
          evolved to keep pace with the transmission technology
          innovations. For example, dispersion management fiber was
          introduced for 10Gb/s and 40Gb/s direct-detection systems.
          Large effective area (A ), ultra-low-loss fiber has been   In the 2010’s, a breakthrough in speed of electronic
          widely deployed for 100Gb/s and above coherent detection   components and digital signal processing (DSP) technology
          systems. Today, to achieve a step increase of submarine   allowed for an adoption of coherent detection with spectral-
          cable capacity, the industry deploys more linear SDM (space   efficient modulation. This allowed for the detection of
          division multiplex) systems which maximizes overall cable   signal phase, amplitude, state of polarization, and digital
          capacity instead of focusing on single fiber pair capacity.   compensation of PMD and fiber chromatic dispersion. This
          In practice, SDM systems successfully reduce cost-per-bit   led to the adoption of 100Gb/s, which marked an important
          in the presence of electrical power constraint. As a result,   milestone in the evolution of optical fiber communication
          moderate A , lowest attenuation and smaller, 200 µm    systems.  In a  coherent  detection system, reach and
          outer diameter fiber becomes a preferred option for SDM   performance is constrained by OSNR, which is a function of
          systems.                                               channel power, noise figure, and span attenuation. As shown
          When the industry follows this trajectory to further   in Figure 2, optical fiber with ultra-low loss, largest Aeff
          enhance the cable capacity, it becomes necessary to    and low nonlinear refractive index is essential for improving
          considerrevolutionary SDM fiber types for next-generation   system OSNR and transmission performance. Compared
          SDM systems. Today, the industry still evaluates each SDM   to Ge-doped fibers, silica-core fibers (such as Corning®
          fiber type, and is yet to determine which SDM fiber options   Vascade  fibers) enable lower nonlinear refractive index (2.1
          could prevail in next-generation SDM submarine systems.   x 10  m /W), lower attenuation (0.150dB/km), and large
          In this paper, we will briefly review the technology trends of   Aeff  ( up to 150 µm ), providing further OSNR benefit and
          the submarine transmission system and discuss innovative   longer distance/higher capacity per fiber pair.
          fiber options for SDM submarine systems.
                                                                   Fig.2 Fiber attenuation and Aeff contributes to higher ONSR
          2. Submarine Fiber of Yesterday
          In the  2000s,  direct  detection  systems  (10Gb/s and
          40Gb/s) were deployed. In those systems only signal
          amplitude  (optical  power)  was  detected,  and  the
          transmission performance was predominantly limited by
          the accumulated Polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
          and chromatic dispersion of fiber. Therefore, PMD and
          chromatic dispersion needed to be minimized to enable long
          (transoceanic) system reach, which was achieved by using  3. Today’s  Fiber  for  SDM  Submarine  Linear
          dispersion-managed fiber solutions and low PMD fibers  Systems
          (Figure1). Positive chromatic dispersion and dispersion  In submarine systems, where repeatersare powered from
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