Page 47 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2021
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Analysis of the Future Development Trend of   Figure 1. The future optimization direction of the transport    the design and fabrication technology of fan-in and fan-out
           network architecture                                  optical devices matching multi-core fibers have gradually
 Optical Communication Technology                                matured. At present, there are two main technical routes:
                                                                 fusion tapering and femtosecond direct writing, and the
                                                                 coupling loss can be reduced to less than 1dB.

                                                                   Figure 2. Typical space division multiplexing fiber structure

         3.2 High-capacity transmission link technology
         There are two main aspects to the improvement of the
         capacity of the optical information transmission link, one
         is the improvement of the single-wave rate, and the other is
         the channel multiplexing.
         3.2.1 Single-wave rate enhancement technology
         The increase in single-wave rate is mainly based on the   3.3 Large-capacity switching node technology
         development of semiconductor lasers, detector performance   At present, the nodes of the optical network are mainly
         and external modulation and high-order modulation       based on the wavelength switching method, supporting
         technologies.  Currently,  single-wave  100G  bit  rate  20-dimensional WSS, and the medium and long-term
         transmission can be realized based on PAM4 modulation  space division multiplexing optical fiber technology and
         technology. The maturity of silicon-based thin-film  switching technology will have important application
         modulators and higher-order modulation technologies will  scenarios in ROADM nodes.
         further increase the single-wave transmission rate in the   3.3.1 Optical backplane technology
         future.                                                 ROADM nodes constructed by high-dimensional WSS
         3.2.2 Channel multiplexing technology                   have many internal connections, and traditional connection
         In the 1990s, in order to expand the capacity of the single   methods cannot effectively support the expansion of WSS
         optical fiber, a third-generation optical communication
         system based on single-mode optical fiber and wavelength   dimensions. Nowadays, the number of fiber connections
         division multiplexing (WDM) technology emerged; in the   in the data center has been greatly reduced through MPO.
         early 21st century, dense wavelength division (DWDM)    In the future, the data center will use optical backplanes
         and Optical amplification technology realizes ultra-long   and space division multiplexing fibers pre-connection
         distance and ultra-large-capacity information transmission.  technology to realize zero fiber arrangement.
         With the continuous development of technology, it has     Figure 3. The development of ROADM nodes from a large
         become more and more difficult to achieve breakthroughs   number of fiber front panel connections to optical backplane
         in single-fiber transmission capacity from the dimensions   space division multiplexing fiber pre-connections
         of time, frequency, and polarization in the future. Space
         division multiplexing will be an important direction
         to solve the transmission capacity problem in the next
         stage. Space division multiplexing technology is realized
         by integrating multiple cores in the single optical fiber,
         according to the number of optical modes supported by the
         core, it can be divided into single-mode multi-core fiber
         (MCF) and few-mode multi-core fiber (MC-FMF). MCF
         can be further divided into weakly coupled MCF and strong
         coupled MCF, the requirements of weakly coupled MCF  3.3.2 CDC-ROADM technology
         for the system are the closest to the current SMF. Based  At present, the main form of optical switching node equipment
         on the existing technology, the application of the weakly  is CD-ROADM, which can realize wavelength independence
         coupled MCF system is the easiest to realize. At present,  and direction independence. In the future, CDC-ROADM
         the leading manufacturers of the optical fiber industry have  technology will gradually replace the CD-ROADM solution.
         begun to deploy multi-core optical fibers, and there are  CDC is the most flexible ROADM equipment form, which can
         some application cases. Chinese operators have also carried  support any wavelength and any direction on any up-drop ports,
         out space division multiplexing technology and application  and realize the configuration according to the required quantity.
         research to explore the application prospects of new optical  CDC-ROADM usually requires larger-dimensional WSS, such as
         fiber technologies in operator networks. At the same time,  32-dimensional/64-dimensional WSS. Based on 20-dimensional
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