Page 44 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2015
P. 44


It supports various modulation ways such as       transmission impairment         Chart 3 switching core of unified cell
200G PM-16QAM, 200G PM-8QAM and 100G              with time changing and
PM-QPSK to switch freely. These modulation        realize high efficient forward
methods can be applied to different scenarios.    checking coding algorithm.

The leading advantages of FiberHome               After the optical signal                             for numerous data of network super node.
FONST6000 in terms of high speed-rates is         is quantized digital
from the following core technology application:   signal when it finished                              Using switching core of unified cell, it is of
                                                  photovoltaic conversion                              flexible dispatching and high extendibility.
Multi-dimension modulation technology             and sampling through                                 It can achieve mix access of TDM, ODUk
Multi-dimension and multi-system modulation       high speed A/D converter,                            and Packet service at random proportion
technology can carry multiply bit information,    with signal processing                               and flexible networking, which can cut
promote frequency spectrum efficiency, reduce     technology, it can estimate                          down the equipment’s power consumption
the baud rate sent by symbol, decrease baseband   carrier frequency phase and                          and size
bandwidth and related chromatic dispersion        the balance and remedy of
and polarization mode dispersion and lesson       linear phase noise.                                  Integrating MPLS-TP function can achieve
the need for transmission path and optoelectric                                                        data statistical multiplexing. Aggregation of
device broadband.                                 Forward correction coding                            Ethernet pot, backbone IP+ light synergy
                                                  When modulation, checking, balancing and             and the comprehensive carrying of private
OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division               multiplexing are unable to meet the requirement      line L0/L1/L2 greatly lift transmission
multiplexing) technology                          for system transmission performance, linear          efficiency. Integrated equipment
The application of OFDM has the following         coding technology can be employed to                 successfully promotes flat network.
advantages:                                       further promote system performance. FEC
                                                  can effectively improve system transmission          Intelligent green platform towards SDN
Sub-band division reduces system’s broadband      performance, optimize OSNR requirements and          network
requirements for optical communication device     promote signal’s tolerance for path impairment.      Refined dynamic energy-saving, 20nm leading
and strengthens the flexibility of choosing                                                            chip techniques, efficient power design,
optical device and module; pilot subcarrier       FiberHome’ soft decision and LDPC have the           optimized heat radiation structure, partition
helps to estimate information channel and         code gain that is very close to Shannon Limit        of power supply, self-adaptive adjustment of
phase; promote the use ratio of frequency         and it can be realized easily by using parallel      crossing power consumption can save energy
spectrum resource; has good extendibility.        processing. It is also applied to 100Gbit/s optical  effectively, making its equipment performance
                                                  transmission system.                                 the best of its kind.
Digital coherent receiving
Digital coherent receiving adopts cheap and       32T/64T cross capacity, adopt unified cell
mature digital signal processing technology to    crossing core
promote the feasibility and reliability of data   With 32T intersection capacity, it can
transmission. The adaptive algorithms of digital  achieve a smooth upgrade to 64T so as to
signal processing can dynamically remedy the      better satisfy the dispatching requirements

Chart 2 coherent received light OFDM system structure

                                                                                                       FiberHome’ FONST6000 employs open SDN
                                                                                                       structure to control OTN network via flexible
                                                                                                       APP to achieve BoD, network virtualization
                                                                                                       VTS, IP and light synergy so as to innovate
                                                                                                       operators’ business model, speed up the
                                                                                                       approval of new business and make network
                                                                                                       control and operating & maintenance more
                                                                                                       intelligent and convenient.

                                                                                                       To d a y ’s c o m m u n i c a t i o n i n d u s t r y i s
                                                                                                       experiencing drastic changes. Networking is
                                                                                                       becoming faster and more simplified. Based on
                                                                                                       customers’ demand, FiberHome continues to
                                                                                                       make technological innovation. It provides its
                                                                                                       users with the most valuable solutions to face
                                                                                                       up to industry shift.

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