Page 42 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2015
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                                                      Table 5. Mechanical property test results of basalt fiber reinforced ADSS (2012 Nov. 6)

                                                             Items       Test method         Test condition                               Test results
                                                                                           Tension :5000N                          Fiber strain is 0.000%
                                                       Tensile strength       IEC                                          Fiber attenuation change is 0.026dB
                                                                         60794-1-2 E1      Tension :10000N                         Fiber strain is 0.600%
                                                             Crush                     Pressure :3500N, 15min              Fiber attenuation change is 0.027dB
                                                            Impact            IEC                                   Cable break after keep pull of 10000N for 1 min
                                                      Repeated bending   60794-1-2 E3
                                                            Torsion                                                 The residual increase in attenuation is 0.010dB
                                                                         60794-1-2 E4  4.5N·m, 5 points, 3 times per point The residual increase in attenuation is 0.005dB

fiber yarn, and the heat-resistant property is the                            IEC      Load: 150N Bending radius:   The residual increase in attenuation is 0.005dB
most excellent.                                                          60794-1-2 E4    20 cable diameters ±90°    The residual increase in attenuation is0.002dB
                                                                                           Number of cycles: 30
The tensile strength of basalt fiber is 1.5~2 times                           IEC
of metal, 1.2~1.5 times of E glass fiber. From the                       60794-1-2 E7  Load: 150N Bending radius:
comparison of the measured values from figure                                           20 cable diameters ±180°
2 and table 2 we can find that single glass fiber                                          Number of cycles: 10
of 785tex can only provide about 400N tensile
force, which is 470N for basalt fiber of the same     Table 6. Environmental performance test methods and results
type. Excellent tensile property makes the basalt
fiber reinforced cable a smaller diameter to meet     Number           Item             Test method                                      Test results
the same mechanical properties. It can save scare         1   Temperature cycling      IEC-60794-1-2                -40 ℃ ~ +60 ℃ constant temperature for 12h
resources of pipeline and greatly improve the
utilization rate of pipeline when used in pipeline.   2 Water penetration                     F1                       per point, Δ α ≤ 0.1dB/km relative to 20℃
2.2 Environmental tolerance property
Optical fiber cable is usually oil filling structure  3 Compound drip                  IEC-60794-1-2                    Type L water jacket Height of water: 1m
when used in outdoor, the structure makes                                                     F5                         Sample length: 3m No water penetrate
that the fiber reinforcement contact with filling
compound for a long time. If the bearing                                               IEC-60794-1-2                          from the cross-section for 24h
capacity of reinforcement is decreased obviously                                              F6
under the effect of active medium, this will                                                                          No compound drips at temperature of 70℃
lead to an undoubtedly fatal influence on the
life of cables. An experiment proved that after       in active medium tolerance and its application                Tensile additional decay curve of the cable is
soaking in acid solution for 2 hours and alkaline     as cable reinforcement can make sure the long                 shown in figure 5, we can see the attenuation
solution for 1hour, the bearing tensile strength      lifetime of cables. Actual experiences of the                 change value is within 0.03dB. Table 5 is
of basalt fiber reinforcement is reduced by 25%,      cable application show that because of the                    mechanical property test summary, table 6 is
which is 40% for glass fiber. This suggests that      special laying environment and installation                   environment performance test summary, all can
basalt fiber has a more excellent performance         requirements, cable strengthen materials                      satisfy the requirements of relevant standards.
                                                      creep under a lot of stress conditions. With
Figure 3. Basalt fiber reinforced ADSS (2.2FRP, 20    the increase of service time, the modulus and                 IV Conclusions
basalt fibers of 800tex)                              strength of common cable strengthen material                  As for the comparison of mainstream fiber
                                                      will reduce gradually. Creepage will lead to                  reinforcement and basalt fiber reinforcement
Figure 4. Cable strain curve of basalt fiber          the deformation or damage of the materials                    in cables, the advantage in performance and
reinforced ADSS (2012 Nov. 6)                         and the strengthen function will eventually                   price of basalt fiber reinforced cable is obvious.
                                                      lose. According to the results of resistance to               It has the possibility of fully replace the current
                                                      creep experiment of basalt fiber, the long-term               mainstream fiber reinforced cable. At least it
                                                      loads on sample of 100MPa (20% stress level),                 provides an entirely new solutions and ideas for
                                                      200MPa (40% stress level), 300MPa (60% stress                 the design and application of optical fiber cables,
                                                      level), after 1080h, the bending creep values are             and its application prospect is very broad.
                                                      0.12mm, 0.35mm and 0.45mm. It shows that
                                                      basalt fiber has a good creep property. As for                At present we HTGD declare China's
                                                      the long-term application, thin rods made of                  communication industry standard YD/T 1181.5-
                                                      continuous basalt fiber has no traces of fatigue              2015 “Characteristics of non-metal reinforcement
                                                      damage after a long time (more than 9 years)                  for optical fiber cables part5: Basalt fiber
                                                      subjected to cyclic loading. It is unbelievable               yarns and reinforced plastic rods” as leading
                                                      to achieve such performance for glass fiber.                  organization. The drafting and publication of the
                                                      So basalt fiber reinforced cables have longer                 standard will open a new chapter for basalt yarn
                                                      lifetime and better stability in using.                       and reinforced plastic rod used in cables, and will
                                                                                                                    play a strategic role for the new situation of non-
                                                      Hygroscopicity of basalt fiber is 6~8 times lower             metallic cable design.
                                                      than the glass fiber. When in long-term laying
                                                      applications used as reinforcement and auxiliary              Figure 5. Tensile additional decay curve of basalt
                                                      reinforcement for cables, it can effectively avoid            fiber reinforced ADSS (2012 Nov. 6)
                                                      fiber hydrogen damage caused by wet to ensure
                                                      the cable transmission performance.

                                                               III Manufacture and test of basalt fiber
                                                               reinforced cable
                                                               We use basalt fiber yarns of 800tex as auxiliary
                                                               reinforcement, design and manufacture the
                                                               ADSS as shown in figure 3. Figure 4 is the tensile
                                                               strain curve of the cable. Through the curve
                                                               and our design parameters, we can measure the
                                                               effective modulus of elasticity of the basalt fiber
                                                               yarn is about 80GPa, which is really greater than
                                                               that of glass fiber yarn.

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