Page 46 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2015
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Figure 2. Attenuation spectrum comparison of         The contribution of Rayleigh scattering loss to the
standard G.652.D fiber with ultra low loss & large   overall spectral-loss is given as:
Aeff. fiber

                                                     Where A is the Rayleigh contributor and B represent
                                                     the combined effect of random and periodic
                                                     micro-bending, waveguide imperfection, and other
                                                     scattering losses.

Table 3. Loss spectrum composition of standard       It’s well known that Rayleigh contributor A have          contribution value of different parts and the
G.652.D and ultra low loss fiber                     direction relation with concentration factor and          information can help us further optimize the fiber
                                                     density factor . In the theory, we can low by             loss.
Rayleigh Scattering    Standard   Ultra low loss &   reducing fiber dopant and low by reduce fiber
       Infrared        G.652.D    Large Aeff. fiber  fictive temperature.                                      4.2 Splicing performance
       Others                                                                                                  Currently, most of terrestrial cable use G.652.
                     0.162 dB/km    0.139 dB/km      Impurity is mainly OH groups. And the OH                  D fiber. So if we choose ultra low loss and large
      Test Loss      0.014 dB/km    0.014 dB/km      absorption has influence on the fiber loss only           Aeff. fiber as next generation long-haul fiber, the
                     0.016 dB/km    0.012 dB/km      around the water peak center.                             compatible problem is a key point. The direct
                                                                                                               reflection is the splicing performance of ultra-low
                     0.192 dB/km    0.165 dB/km      Infrared (IR) absorption is very small at short           loss & large Aeff fiber splicing with standard G.652.D
                                                     wavelength region.                                        fiber.
target for fiber manufacturers. Figure 2 shows
the attenuation spectrum comparison of               Macro-bending loss is dependent on the fiber index        There are several factors can affect the splicing loss,
standard G.652.D with our ultra low loss &           profile, the radius of curvature of the fiber axis, and   but the mode field mismatch is the key of splicing
large Aeff.. fiber. The standard G.652 fiber loss    the ratio of the operating wavelength to the cut-off      loss. As shown in Figure. 4, the typical splicing
is 0.2dB/km at 1550nm wavelength while               wavelength.                                               loss for Aeff 110μm2 with standard fiber is lower
our ultra low loss fiber can reach 0.165 dB/                                                                   than Aeff 130μm2 with standard fiber, which is the
km@1550nm.                                           Loss spectrum model decomposition of ultra low            main reason for we choose 110μm2 as the more
                                                     loss & large Aeff. fiber is shown in Figure 3. The        appropriate effective area in next generation fiber.
As shown in formula 1, the fiber loss composition    Rayleigh scattering loss of ultra low loss & large Aeff.
                                               (2)   fiber is significantly lower than standard G.652.D as
                                                     shown in Table 3.

                                                     In the loss spectrum, we can evacuate the

Figure 3. Loss spectrum model decomposition of ultra low loss & large Aeff. fiber  Figure 5. Self splicing performance

Figure 4. Splicing performance for standard fiber with different Aeff fiber        Figure6. Macro-bending comparison
(110μm2 and 130μm2)

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