Page 40 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2016
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Development of the Novelty G.654 Optical Fibers for
Long-haul Terrestrial Optical fiber Communication

Chen Wei, Yuan Jian, He Zuowei, Zhang Gonghui
JiangSu HengTong Optic-electric Co. Ltd, SuZhou, China, 215200

 Introduction                                       communication system.                                     radial refractive index profile, Ψ(R) is the
 In order to meet the rapid growth of China's                                                                 fundamental mode of the electromagnetic
 demand for data traffic, a new generation          Through the basic theory of electromagnetic               field spatial distribution function. Ψcore(R) is
 communication network needs a great                field, using the scalar wave equation the weakly          the electromagnetic field distribution function
 improvement on the communication rate,             guiding approximation,a new type of optical               of fundamental mode fiber core area,β
 transmission capacity, transmission distance.      fiber waveguide structure for the next generation         representsthe axial propagation constant of the
 But thetraditional G.652 fiber could not meet      of optical fiber communication network was                optical fiber, Ψcl(R) represents the fundamental
 the demand of the development of a new             designed.Then the large-effective-area and ultra-         modepropagation constant in the cladding.
 generation of long distance communication          low-loss,characteristics of a new type of optical
 networkdue to the effective area of only 80μm2.    fiberwas fabricated the continuous chemical               After calculating the electromagnetic field
 Therefore, the researchers in the communication    vapor deposition (CCVD) process.                          distribution of the fundamental mode function
 fields hope thatthecut-off wavelength shift                                                                  Ψ(R) , then substitute Ψ(R) into formula(4)
 single mode optical fiber, which is the G.654 in   The design and fabrication of the novelty                 to calculatethe effective area of the optical fiber
 ITU-T standard, could be used to thelong haul      G.654 optical fiber                                       Aeff[10].
 terrestrial fiber communication network[1-5].      The effective area of the optical fiber is
                                                    determined by the refractive index profile                                                                     (4)
 But due to the great differences between the       of the optical fiber and the diameter of
 terrestrial and marine environments, submarine     the core layer of the fiber. It is a physical             The refractive index profile of the new G.654
 cable was made of stainless steel pipe welding     quantity that represents the distribution of              optical fiber is shown in Figure 1. The fiber core
 and armored, and at the bottom of the ocean        the electromagnetic field in the optical fiber            refractive index of the optical fiber is 1.46117,
 the environmental temperature is constant          waveguide. The key factors affecting the power            and the core diameter is 14 microns.The relative
 about -1℃to2℃. But on the land, temperature        loss coefficient of the optical fiber include the         refractive index difference between the core and
 changes larger from -45℃to 40℃,in some             waveguide structure, the high and low refractive          the cladding is adjusted to 0.278%. Compared
 special occasion, maybe the temperature varies     index, the species and distribution of the doped          with the 0.35% relative refractive index
 much larger. What’s more,the cable on the land     ions,the viscosity of the interface, the stress in        difference of the conventional single-mode fiber
 application will be faced complex environments,    the fiber. As a result, the waveguide structure           core, the doping concentration in the optical
 such as the environment pressure, bending stress,  of the optical fiber is firstly designed before the       fiber is reduced by 20%. Therefore, the Rayleigh
 mechanical impact and so on. This need the         preparation of the optical fiber.                         scattering of light in the fiber waveguide
 novelty kinds of fiber could resist all kinds of                                                             structure is greatly reduced.
 stress and have great anti-bending performance.    Optical fiber is a circular symmetrical waveguide.
                                                    On the conditions of the weakly guiding                   In order to adjust the distribution of the
 Traditional the cut-off wavelength shift single    approximation, Ψ(R) could meet the scalar                 electromagnetic field in the optical fiber
 mode optical fibers,including G.654.A, G.654.      electromagnetic wave equation[10].                        waveguide, and to improve the bending
 B, G.654.C, G.654.D fiber, could not meet the                                                                resistance of the long wavelength of the fiber,
 higher requirements for optical signal loss and                                                         (1)  a low refractive index region is deposited in
 nonlinearin the next generation high data-                                                              (2)  the optical fiber. Its refractive index is 1.45565,
 rate communication network[6-9]. Therefore, it                                                          (3)  and the width is 6.96 microns.By simulation
 is urgent and important to study the novelty       Where, k0 is the vacuum wave number, R is                 analysis,the effective area of the Ultra-low-
 kind optical fibers, which have the advantages     the radial coordinate, a is the core radius of            loss and Ultra-large-effective Area (UUA) of
 of large-effective-area and ultra-low-loss,        the fiber, R=r/a,R denotes normalized radius              the new optical fiber at 1550nm wavelength is
 the ability of anti-bending, for the long haul     of the optical fiber, N(R) represents the                 150μm2(Fig.2) .
 terrestrial fiber communication in the 400G
                                                    Figure 2 The fiber’s effective area at different          The optical performance index test and
 Figure 1 The refractive index structure diagram    wavelength                                                environmental experiments analysis
                                                                                                              Optical fiber preformwasfabricated by
40                                                                                                            Continuous Chemical Vapor Deposition
                                                                                                              (CCVD) process, and then the optical fiber
                                                                                                              preform is placed on the tower of the self-
                                                                                                              made optical fiber wire drawing.Starting the
                                                                                                              heating system, the high temperature of the
                                                                                                              furnaceis controlled at 2100℃±50℃, quartz
                                                                                                              glass preform is melted and soften. By high-
                                                                                                              speed closed-loop self-feedback controlling
                                                                                                              technologies, the silica preform is drawn into
                                                                                                              optical fiber with 124.6±0.3 micron glass
                                                                                                              cladding diameter.
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