Page 36 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2016
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Currently, many vendors in North America such vigorously promote the optical transformation Next 1-2 years is still a golden opportunity for
as AT&T, CenturyLink and Google, get involved of access network and built several “all-optical China’s optical communications industry. It
in providing Gigabit services. It is estimated province” in the country. In 2015, China is estimated that in 2016, China’s demand for
that among the 1000+ FTTH service providers Mobile purchased 94.52million km fiber and optical fiber will reach 220 million to 248 million
in North America, more than half will provide 98.21million fiber km optical cables, which is fiber km. In the next decade, China’s demand for
Gigabit services in five years. China Unicom and quite an alarming demand. It has successfully optical fiber and cable will remain high.
China Telecom also launched certain pilot test built the world’s largest 4G network with 4G
for “Gigabit broadband to home”. base stations up to 1.1 million. Business performance of mainstream optical
fiber and cable manufacturers in China
2.CAGR of the Global Submarine Market will As the first year during China’s 13th Five-Year Early before 2015, the Chinese optical fiber
reach 5.75% Plan period, the optical communications market manufacturers have already nominated the
Currently, the constructions of submarine cable in 2016, especially the demand for optical Chinese market and owned quite a large share in
between countries are being carried out in full fiber and cable continued last year’s strong the overseas market. In 2015, both the demand
swing: the Brazil-Uruguay submarine cable momentum. With multiply favorable policies such and output of optical fiber and cable in China
system is to be completed by the end of 2017; as “Internet+”, “Broadband China” and “New occupied more than half of the global level.
Huawei undertakes to construct the Latin Smart City”, a lot of advanced technologies and China’s domestic demand for optical fiber and
American submarine cable system;TE Subcom research achievements will be applied in fields cable exceeded 200 million, which accounted
in the US and Hawaiki in New Zealand also like information infrastructure construction, cyber for 55% of the global demand. In the first half
launched a new submarine cable deployment. security protection as well urban information of 2015, some Chinese optical fiber and cable
management; such policies will also promote the manufacturers like YOFC, HTGD, Fiberhome
Under the strong driving demand of Internet transformation and comprehensive upgrading of made breakthrough in the field of low-loss and
protocol traffic and bandwidth, it is estimated China’s optical communications industry so as to large-effective-area fiber and released products
that by 2018, the global submarine cable will be stimulate a new round of rapid development. In applicable to 100G/400G backbone networks
laid up to 2 million km. The CAGR of global 2016, China’s three operators continue to increase so as to snatch the high-end backbone optical
submarine cable market will reach 5.75% in their investment in fiber network construction and network market.
2016-2020. promote the strategy of “speed improving and
tariff cut-down”. Ultra-fast broadband and “4G The structure and competitive situation of
Chinese Market +” become the operators’ major investment focus, domestic optical fiber and cable industry are
From the perspective of demand, in 2015, which will give birth to large demand for optical relatively stable. In the China Mobile and China
China’s demand for optical fiber and cable fiber and cable. As a result, the global demand for Telecom’s centralized purchase, enterprises like
exceeded 200 million fiber km, accounting for optical fiber and cable will continue to grow. YOFC, HTGD, Fiberhome, Futong, ZTT and
55% of the total demand in the world. One of Tongding obtained a major share. The production
the reasons why China had such a large demand China Mobile launched a centralized purchase capacity of those enterprises almost account for
last is that China Mobile purchased a stunning of 14.81 million fiber km special optical cable nearly 80% of China’s overall capacity.
amount of optical fiber and cable. It is reported in the first half of 2016. In the second half, it
that in 2015, China Mobile purchased 94.52 once again started the centralized purchase New and high-end products
million fiber km of G.652 fiber, 88.475 million with an estimated procurement size of around Currently, driven by “Broadband China”,
fiber km ordinary cable, 65.91 million fiber km 215,665 km (equivalent to 61143468 fiber km). “Internet +” and the new requirement of
non-skeletal ribbon optical cable, and 314.81 The procurement scale is still the world’s first. “speed improving and tariff cut-down”, the
million fiber km ribbon-shaped optical cable. Purchasing large-scale optical fiber and cable development of new business like IPTV and big
for two consecutive years is relatively rare, data undoubtedly raised a higher requirement
1.Operators’ demand to trigger a new round of from which we can see that China Mobile’s for the existing network, which means not
production expansion crave for optical fiber and cable for its 4G-LTE only the performance of the equipment need to
Since the beginning of 2015 when China and fixed broadband construction. It is thereof be improved, but also a new kind of low-loss
Telecom and China Unicom obtained the estimated that China Mobile’s demand for optical fiber more suitable for large-capacity,
FDD license, the two operators have greatly optical fiber and cable will exceed 120 million long-distance transmission need to be developed.
accelerated the pace of 4G network construction fiber km from 2016-2017. Ultra-fast broadband era is on the way. Thus,
and built approximately 500,000 and 400,000 the new high-end products like the ultra-low-
4G base stations respectively. Meanwhile, The estimated huge demand of China Mobile loss single-mode optical fiber and ultra-low-
China Telecom and China Unicom also for fiber definitely inspires the whole optical loss optical fiber that meet the requirement for
400G and 400G+ communications are now quite
China Optical Fiber and Cable Market Share communications industry. popular in the market.
Meanwhile, infected by this,
36 China Telecom and China In fact, early in 2015, some major enterprises
Unicom will also increase in the Chinese optical communications industry
their investment in the fixed have released a series of high-end products. For
network, which will gave example, YOFC and HTGD released a series
birth to more demand. At of ultra-low-loss and large-effective-area fiber.
present, it’s generally tight We believe that under the guide of these leading
for domestic optical fiber and enterprises, other manufacturers will also
cable manufacturers to deliver start to upgrade their products in succession,
products, which will make the which also indicates that the Chinese optical
fiber price rise in the short term. communications industry is rapidly moving
Under such circumstance, the toward the “three highs” level (high-end brand,
domestic optical fiber and cable high-end market, and high-end technology).
manufacturers have already set
off a new wave of production Meanwhile, the key enterprises in China’s