Page 44 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2016
P. 44
Deep integration of services and
networks, SDN/NFV is ready
W ith the increasing demand for is based on network functions of dedicated Telecom has set up the cloud computing
broadband of 5G, 4K Video, VR, hardware; NFV pays the attention to the laboratory, and taken cloud data centers as a
IOT, the communications industry separation of hardware and software, which breakthrough point in order to deeply verify
desperately needs a bottom-up change. is based on virtual network function of VM. the deployment feasibility upon the existing
According to the latest forecast data of Cisco Although the concepts of SDN and NFV network with other industry manufacturers,
VNI (Visual Networking Index), Global IP differ, there is a strong complementarity One of the most important manufacturers is
traffic in 2016 will remain at the level of between the two, SDN can bring more FiberHome; Vodafone in Germany, has used the
88.7 EB per month, and this data will reach flexibility to the network, and NFV can better virtualization technology upon roaming PGW
194 EB in 2020, in which the number of adapt to the virtual environment, synergy of the existing network, and deployed virtual
devices connected to IP networks will be between the two could build highly resilient, platforms and devices; AT & T wants to NFV
three times as high as the global population highly scalable, agile and intelligent network. applied in the bottom of the stack, and then
in 2020.This will be a rigorous challenge applied to the physical layer, so as to promote
for the O&M work of operators. How to Zhao Huiling, executive director of China NFV applied in the whole optical transmission
realize the deep integration of services and Institute of Communications, emphasized in network. Mainstream operators are actively
networks so as to enhance the experience her speech in 2016 Global SDNFV Technology deploying SDN/NFV in order to seize the
of network operation, as well as further Conference, SDN/NFV has entered the stage technological and market heights:
reducing CAPEX / OPEX, it has become the of development in 2016-2019, amounts of
first problem every operator must address. project about SDN/NFV has landed, including Fiberhome won the top rank about
Domain 2.0 from AT&T, CSO organizer project integrated solution of SDN/NFV
SDN / NFV landed, contributing to the from the cooperation among ONF, Vodafone, According to the survey report of TBR, in 2021
future agile and intelligent network China Telecom and other operators. China global SDN and NFV marketing will exceed $
Chart 1 IP Traffic in 2020(Source,Cisco Visual Networking Index)
To effectively improve the utilization of network Chart 2 SDN / NFV / Cloud will build the 158 billion with the annual compound growth
resources, reduce maintenance costs and future agile and intelligent network rate of 116%. In order to meet the development
accelerate services deployment, the operator needs of operators, mainstream manufacturers
needs a cloud-based network structure, which in are actively providing the integrated cloud
detail is to make the network function software- solution based on SDN/NFV. In 2016 China
based, unify services arrangement, and establish SDN/NFV conference, the deputy director Chen
hardware resource pools of cloud. The current Jiachun from the Ministry of Information and
acceleration landing of SDN / NFV technology Communication Development Division, and
turns these things into reality. chairman Wei Leping from SDN / NFV Industry
Alliance, issued "2015 China Annual Best SDN
Future network takes flexible deployment and Practice Award" to FiberHome who attended
resilient expansion of network functions, the the related tests.
most optimal costs as target, it takes efficient
use of SDN and NFV through the unified As the expert in the field of optical
arrangement of services and networks. Here communication, FiberHome is making every
SDN places emphasis on the separation about effort to promote the industrial development
the control layer and forwarding layer, which and commercial process of SDN. Now