Page 21 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
P. 21

development momentum.                                                                                                               Chart2-16 The comprehensive index of competitiveness in comparison in the optical
In rankings of the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the                                                                                        transmission and network access equipment field of China
optical transmission and network access equipment of global
market in 2024, Huawei ranks first with a high score of 1000                                                        
and has been consistently ranked first for five consecutive                                                       
years, fully demonstrating Huawei's strong market position
in the field of optical transmission. ZTE and FiberHome also                                                      
rank among the top. China's optical transmission industry,
led by Huawei, occupies a high position in the global market.                                                     
Against the backdrop of global network expansion and
upgrading, it will bring broad development space for Chinese                                                                  
YOFC, HTGD, FiberHome, and ZTT also scored higher in
the rankings of the top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the                                                                                   
optical fiber and cable field of Global market. Among the top                                                     
ten enterprises, there are five Chinese enterprises. On the basis
                                                                                                                              ZTE FiberHome TIANYICIGSDGIShanshuGiWDelight RaisecomCHULIMXINXI

                                                                                                                          Chart3-16 The comprehensive score of competitiveness in comparison in the optical components
                                                                                                                                                             and auxiliary equipment field of China




Chart3-12 The comprehensive score of competitiveness in comparison in the optical fiber and cable field of China  





                                                                                                                  Accelink ZhoInnngojilight Eoptolink
                                                                                                                                              TFC JONHON HGTECH LUSTER  O-Net                         AFR Sunstar

                                                                                                                                   Chart3-17 The comprehensive index of competitiveness in comparison in the optical
                                                                                                                                                          components and auxiliary equipment field of China

               HTGD FiberHome  ZTT TONHDING ETERN    SDGI Tongguang FUTONG Nanfang                                       


Chart2-13 The comprehensive index of competitiveness in comparison in the optical fiber and cable field of China                                


                                                                                                                        ZhoInnngojilight  Eoptolink  TFC JONHON HGTECH LUSTER  O-Net                         AFR Sunstar


                                                                                of the increase in global demand for fiber optic cables, the
                                                                                                            development capacity of Chinese fiber optic cable enterprises
                                                                                                                  will be further released, and their market share may further
            HTGD FiberHome  ZTT TONHDING ETERN    SDGI Tongguang FUTONG Nanfang                             expand in the future.are leading Japanese companies
            YOFC                                                                                                  Sumitomo Electric, Furukawa Electric and Fujikura in terms
                                                                                                                  of comprehensive competitiveness. The gap between these
              Chart3-14 The comprehensive score of competitiveness in comparison in the optical                   four companies and the strong global competitive advantages
                             transmission and network access equipment field of China                             of the United States and Japan has narrowed. In recent years,
                                                                                                                  Chinese optical device companies have made significant
                                                                                                          progress in the field. Measures such as the expansion of
                                                                                                               China’s backbone network, the high-quality development
                                                                                                       of the “dual gigabit” network, and the moderately advanced
                                                                                                       construction of 5G and computing power not only promote
                                                                                              the development of the optical fiber and cable industry
                                                                                                                  but also provide opportunities for the optical device and
                                                                                                               module market. In 2007, the market size of China’s optical
                                                                                                               devices was about 13.7 billion yuan. In 2024, the market size

               ZTE FiberHome TIANYI  CIG  SDGI ShanshuGi W Delight RaisecomCHULIMXINXI


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