Page 20 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2024
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CHINA                                                                                                             Chart3-9 The comparison of basic competitiveness among top comprehensive competitiveness enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                   in optical components field of Global market in 2024
Electric/OFS, Sumitomo Electric, Fujikura), and China
(YOFC, HTGD, FiberHome, and ZTT). Chinese companies                                                                                          basic competitiveness scale competitiveness efficiency competitiveness growth competitiveness
account for half of the list. YOFC, HTGD, FiberHome and
ZTT all have high comprehensive competitiveness scores.                                                                             
In the rankings of the Top 10 enterprises in the optical
components field of global market, three of the top 10                                                                              
companies are from the United States (Coherent, Lumentum
and Broadcom); 4 companies from China (Accelink, and                                                                                
Zhongji Innolight, Hisense Broadband, and Eoptolink); Three
companies come from Japan (Sumitomo Electric, Furukawa                                                                              
Electric and Fujikura).
                                                                                                                                       CoherentBROADCOM ZhIonnngojliight Lumentum Accelink HisBernosaedbanSdumEitolemctoric Eoptolink Fujikura  FuruEklaewctaric

From the above analysis of the competitiveness trend of                                                                             Chart3-10 The comprehensive score of competitiveness in comparison in the optical communications field of China
global optical communication enterprises, global enterprises
have shown strong comprehensive competitiveness, and                                                                                        
the degree of industrial concentration is relatively stable. It                                                                        
is worth mentioning that Chinese enterprises have shown                                                                                   


                  Chart3-6 The comprehensive index of competitiveness in comparison in the optical                                  
                                                 components field of Global market


                                                                                                                HUAWEI       ZTE  HTGD  ZTT       ETERN  TONGDING SDGI  Tongguang ZHONGLI

                                                                                                                                  Chart2-11 The comprehensive index of competitiveness in comparison in the optical communications field of China

    CoherentBROADCOM ZhIonnngojliight Lumentum Accelink HisBernosaedbanSdumEitolemctoric Eoptolink Fujikura FuruEklaewctaric   



    Chart3-7 The comparison of basic competitiveness among top comprehensive competitiveness enterprises in                         
                                         optical fiber and cable of Global market in 2024                                           

               basic competitiveness scale competitiveness efficiency competitiveness growth competitiveness                                      

                                                                                                                                       ZTE      HTGD ZTT ETERNTONGDINGSDGITongguangZHONGLI

                                                                                                                              excellent performance in the optical communication industry
                                                                                                                                    chain, and have demonstrated strong comprehensive
                      HTGD FEurleucktarwica/OFSPrysmian                                                                       competitiveness in the fields of optical transmission, fiber
                                                                                                                                    optic cables, and optical devices.
     CORNING  YOFC                                      FiberHome  ZTT SumEitloemctoric  Fujikura Sterlite
                                                                                                                                    2.Competitiveness Analysis of Optical Communication
    Chart3-8 The comparison of basic competitiveness among top comprehensive competitiveness enterprises                            Enterprises
                   in optical transmission and network access equipment of Global market in 2024
                                                                                                                                    Chinese enterprises have a high comprehensive
               basic competitiveness scale competitiveness efficiency competitiveness growth competitiveness                  competitiveness index and a significant market share in
                                                                                                                              the global optical communication market. In the optical
                                                                                                                                    communication market, Chinese market and Chinese
                                                                                                                              enterprises have always been highly concerned, and the
                                                                                                                                    performance of Chinese enterprises in 2024 is also impressive.
                                                                                                                              Driven by favorable policies and positive industry trends,
                                                                                                                                    according to the rankings of the Top 10 competitiveness
                                                                                                                              enterprises in the optical fiber and cable field of Global market
                                                                                                                                    in 2024, YOFC, HTGD, FiberHome, and ZTT , as Chinese
               NOKIA  ZTE CIENA FiberHome NEC                       Ericsson SumEilteocmtroic  Infinera      ADVA             enterprises, have entered the list and demonstrated strong

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