Page 49 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2023
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We are running modern, coherent transmission systems   network. Corning calculated the carbon footprint of one
          over portions of our metro and long-haul networks that   optical fiber to be 2.3 kg CO eq/km [9], while two 0.5 mm
          were installed prior to 1986, with excellent results.”  copper wires [10] are estimated to have a carbon footprint
                                                                 of 14 kg CO eq/km [11], 6 times the carbon footprint
          With fewer failure points, modern optical fiber with higher   of fiber over the same length. The latest fiber networks
          energy efficiency also has the potential to overcome   for home users, however, can deliver 2,000 times higher
          the bandwidth limitations of existing networks. Energy,   bandwidth over 7 times longer distances for the same
          healthcare, and other critical infrastructures are becoming   number of users.
          more digitized and rely on high performance and high
          reliability networks. Innovations in optical fiber network   Based on these values, it is estimated that to achieve the
          development can achieve this through a simplified network   same transmission capacity, over the same reach, the
          architecture.                                          twisted copper pair has a carbon footprint up to 85,000
                                                                 times higher than that of an optical fiber.
          Fiber is the solution for pervasive connectivity that not
          only provides high performance but also contributes to   Based on these values, it is estimated that to achieve
          achieving sustainable development.                     the same transmission capacity, over the same reach,
                                                                 the twisted copper pair has a carbon footprint up to
          Embodied carbon                                        85,000 times higher than that of anoptical fiber.
          Lower operational costs, reduced environmental impacts
          during service, and resilient transmission of information   While this analysis is non exhaustive and excludes
          are possible with optical fiber networks. They have shaped   recycling and disposal as well as other materials and
          our modern world and have the potential to enable greener   equipment needed to make both cables and operate both
          digitalization by providing more bandwidth with less   networks, it conservatively elevates optical fiber networks
          material.                                              over copper from an embodied carbon perspective. This
                                                                 complements the findings of other studies that have
          The embodied carbon associated with raw material       confirmed that environmental and economic benefits
          extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and End-of-  can be achieved with optical fiber by eliminating active
          Life of network infrastructure is a critical element of   components and simplifying network architecture.
          comparing the environmental impact of competing digital   Ultimately, studying the embodied carbon that results from
          technologies. Corning executed an LCA of the materials   the materials and manufacturing of optical fiber helps
          contained in optical fiber and its manufacturing process   Corning further improve its environmental performance.
          to assess its environmental impact, quantified as carbon
          footprint (CF). The results from this study were compared   Corning’s Cradle-to-Gate LCA study
          to the CF of copper based on publicly available data.  An LCA is a standard methodology used to quantify the
                                                                 potential environmental impacts of a product or process. It
          Although different configurations will vary the transmission   is performed by calculating the GHG emissions associated
          capacity of a network, we can simplify the analysis by   with the entire life cycle of the product. A commonly used
          comparing one optical fiber to one copper pair. Consider   metric that results from an LCA is the global warming
          a twisted copper pair used in Asynchronous Digital     potential (GWP), also known as CF. To estimate the CF
          Subscriber Line (ADSL) and one optical fiber in an access

           Figure 2. Cradle-to-gate comparison of twisted copper pair used in ADSL and optical fiber in access network

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