Page 43 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2019
P. 43
G.654.E Fiber Assists 5G Network Construction
Hongyan Zhou, Lei Zhang, Jun Wu, Jie Luo,Ruichun Wang
Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber and Cable Manufacture Technology, Wuhan 430073, China
Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company, Wuhan 430073, China
A bstract
With the development of cloud technology and 5G, network bandwidth and capacity requirements increased
greatly. large capacity and low cost and terrestrial cable WDM transmission system is an important guarantee for future
communication network. Novel G.654.E with large effective area and ultra low loss is the best and inevitable fiber and
cable solution for the next optical transport network and cloudification data center interconnection.
1.Introduction for high rate transmission system
According to the ITU definition, 5G need to meet three High rate transmission system can be realized by high
typical application scenarios, including enhanced mobile order modulation, coherence detection, high speed DSP
bandwidth(eMBB), Ultra-high reliability ultra-low time system and enhanced forward error correction codingerror
delay communication (uRLLC), large-scale machine technology, which reduces the need for fiber dispersion
communication(mMTC). If the wireless requirements of and polarization mode dispersion, but it also limits the
the three application scenarios are mapped to the carrying transmission distance due to OSNR limitations. A 400G
transmission network, it will require that carrying network system with dual carrier and 16QAM modulation can travel
has seven characteristics of high bandwidth, low delay, a quarter or less of the distance of a 100G system. In order
high reliable clock synchronization, high flexibility, to realize the 400G system reach the same transmission
network slice and intelligent coordination. Thus, as the distance as the current 100G system, upgrading the basic
basic infrastructure of 5G network, the planning and resources such as optical fiber amplifier and building relay
construction of carrying transmission network become the station are effective means to increase the transmission
focus of pre-5G construction cycle.With the official release distance of 400G system.
of 5G commercial license by the ministry of industry and
information technology of China, China’s 5G construction The contribution of fiber performance parameters to system
has entered a substantive stage, which will also bring transmission can be visually evaluated by optical signal
new opportunities and challenges to the optical fiber and noise ratio(OSNR)and figure of merit (FOM). OSNR and
cable industry. “5G commercial use, carrier network first”, FOM can be expressed in equation 1 and equation 2 [1-3] .
competition of 5G has evolved to a competition of optic
fiber infrastructure. (equation-1)
Requirements of large capacity and high bandwidth for Here, Pch is channel powe, proportional to Aeff/n2,S is
backbone network have put forward for transmission span loss, proportional to attenuation coefficientα(dB/
network technology. Now 400G and 400G beyond km);Nspan is number of span; NF is optical amplifier noise
communication are inevitable choice for transport network. factor(dB).
And what is the trend of single-mode fiber supporting the
next generation high speed 400G/400G+ communication?
We are searching for a super single mode fiber supporting (equation-2)
large capacity transmission. It is well known that ultra low
loss and large effective area are the most key factors in Here, n , L, L mean nonlinear refractive index, span
long-haul coherent communication. The balance between length, and effective length, respectively.
spectrum effectiveness, capacity and transmission reach is
the essential issue. Larger effective area (Aeff. for short) From the perspective of OSNR and FOM, enlarging fiber
can support higher optimum launch power into the fiber effective area or/and reducing fiber attenution, is the main
which is good for improving OSNR. Lower loss can means to improve the transmission performance and
increase the output optical signal-to-noise (OSNR) and extend the transmission distance of the system, and also
Q-factor of transmission system for the same distance, or the important direction of the development of new optical
extend the transmission reach. To achieve better system fiber technology at present. The advantages G.654.E fiber
performance, we combine the ultra low loss and large Aeff. is obvious.
into one more perfect fiber for the next generation fiber.
3. Fiber Key parameters and splicing
2. The trend of single-mode fiber technology performance of G.654.E fiber