Page 35 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2018
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          Ⅳ Analysis of Strength and Weakness of the Top 10 Competitiveness Enterprises in Competitiveness Index

           Table 9-2 The analysis of the strength and weakness index among the enterprises in the optical components and auxiliary equipment & raw material field of China
                                                      Sales revenues  The ratio of  The average growth rate   The average growth rate
                                                 Return on
                                           Return on
               Company  Ranking  revenues  Net assets Net profit  total assets net assets  contribution per  to total sales revenues  of sales revenues for the  of net profit for the
                                                               international revenue
                                                                                         last three years
                                                                            last three years
               Accelink  1   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į         į            į
             Zhongji Innolight  2   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į     ĭ         į
               O-net     3   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į         į            į
              HGTECH     4   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į         į            į
               JONHON    5   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į         į            į
              HONGHUI    6   ĭ     į      į      į      į      į      į         į            į
              Eoptolink  7   ĭ     į      į      į      į     ĭ     į           į            į
               TIANYI    8   ĭ     į     ĭ    ĭ    ĭ      ĭ         į           ĭ            į
            T&S Communications  9   ĭ     į      į     ĭ     į      į     ĭ     į            į
                TFC     10   ĭ     į     ĭ    ĭ     į      į       ĭ            į            į
           Note7: The financial data of competitiveness is formed by 9 indicators of certain weight, and the strength and weakness indicators are different in each
           company. We classify the 9 indicators into 2 sorts: one is higher than the competitiveness score of the company, that is, these indicators improve the
           company's competitiveness, we call it the strength indicator; otherwise, it is weakness indicators. What the readers should be reminded is that we classify
           the sorts by the standard value of fundamental data in companies' competitiveness but not the average score of the whole industry. For example, Prysmian's
           standard value of the net assets is 0.6904, above the average value, and above  the standard value of the company's competitiveness, thus we put it into
           strength indicator. In the tables, the strength indicator is labeled by "↑", and weakness indicator by "↓". With the indicators divided into 2 sorts, the
           enterprises can pay more attention to their weakness ones, which oriented their effort to improve the competitiveness. As for the order of the indicators to
           draw attention, you can refer to the indicators of the corporators’ specific data to determine.
             【For more details of status analysis of the related enterprises, please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'The top 10 competitiveness enterprises
          in the optical communications industry of China in 2018' (Integrated Edition)" 】

          continuing from page 41
         As of August 20, 2018, the three major telecom operators in China all   an 8.3% year-on-year growth, atop of its industry peers. EBITDA amounted
         unveiled their Interim Report 2018, according to which, three major   to RMB45.8 billion, up by 4.8% year-on-year. The profit before income tax
         operators in the first half of 2018 totally earned about 81.7 billion yuan,   reached RMB7.8 billion and the profit attributable to equity shareholders
         about 454 million yuan a day. China Mobile’s net profit of 65.6 billion yuan   of the Company increased by 145% year-on-year to RMB5.9 billion. China
         of was far ahead, earning about 364 million yuan a day.  Unicom upheld its precise investment strategy and strived to enhance
                                                                 investment returns by taking extensive effort to exploit the potential value of
         1.China Mobile                                          various resources and drive sharing through cooperation. Capital expenditure
              Figure 27 China Mobile-Stable Market Role and Profit Growth  for the first half of the year amounted to RMB11.6 billion. Thanks to the
                                                                 effective management of capital expenditure and notable improvements in
                                                                 profitability, the company’s free cash flow amounted to RMB39.3 billion,
                                                                 reaching another record high level. Its liabilities-to-assets ratio went further
                                                                 down to 43.5%, reflecting an increasingly healthy financial position.
                                                                 3.China Telecom
                                                                    Figure 29 China Telecom-Reliable Major Business Revenue Growth

         China Mobile’s financial performance in the first half of 2018 remained
         healthy. The company recorded operating revenue of RMB391.8 billion, up
         by 2.9% compared to the same period last year. Telecommunications services
         revenue was RMB356.1 billion, up by 5.5% compared to the same period
         last year, maintaining solid market position. It’s total number of connections
         has increased to 1.425 billion, comprising 906 million mobile connections,
         135 million wireline broadband connections and 384 million IoT (Internet of
         Things) smart connections. It is particularly encouraging that in some areas,   In the first half of the year, China Telecom’s operating revenues amounted
         machine-to-machine connections have already outnumbered human-to-  to RMB193.0 billion. Of which, service revenues amounted to RMB177.6
         human connections                                       billion, representing an increase of 7.0% over the same period last year
                                                                 (if excluding the impact of the application of International Financial
         2.China Unicom                                          Reporting Standard 15 on the current period, it represented an increase of
                  Figure 28 China Unicom-Net Profit Soaring to 145%  8.5% over the same period last year) with revenue growth surpassing the
                                                                 industry average for consecutive years. Revenues from emerging businesses
                                                                 accounted for 51.2% of service revenues, representing an increase of 6.1
                                                                 percentage points over the same period last year with continual optimisation
                                                                 in revenue structure. EBITDA amounted to RMB55.9 billion and EBITDA
                                                                 margin3 was 31.5%, which remained primarily stable compared with the
                                                                 same period last year. Net profit amounted to RMB13.6 billion, representing
                                                                 an increase of 8.1% over the same period last year while basic earnings
                                                                 per share were RMB0.168, achieving persistent favourable growth. Capital
                                                                 expenditure was RMB32.9 billion, representing a decrease of 19.9% with
         China Unicom reported remarkable growth in its operating results for the first   persistent and appropriate control. Free cash flow reached RMB18.4 billion
         half of 2018. Service revenue amounted to RMB134.4 billion, representing   which has increased remarkably over the same period last year.

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