Page 14 - 网络电信2016第11期
P. 14

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                                  Operator Column                                           H.Y.Ma
17. 19. Intelligent Optical Distribution Network (iDON) Speeds Up Operators’ FTTH Strategy
19. Intelligent Web Sites Accelerate Operators’ UWB Construction

                              Optical Communication

21. Development Status of Light Vibration Sensing Technology Applied in Positioning

                                                                    X.D.Sun, X.X.Ren, L.Wang

26. 5GBB: Fixed Access Network                                                              L.M.Fang


29. HTGD’S Genliang Cui ——Model for Entrepreneurs in the New Era                    Z.J.Dong, P. Zhao, Y.Yan

                                5-17 Special Report

38. World Telecom and Information Social Day 2016
     —— ICT entrepreneurship for social impact


44. Intellectual Development Trend of Business in the Era of M-ICT

                                Special Report

49. National Exhibition Tour of FiberHome on 5.17 World Telecommunication Day
49. Foundation Laying Ceremony of YOFC Africa Held
50. Hengtong Group Goes Full Blast in the Field of Network Security

     ——Uway Staging Exhibition Tours with IBM
50 SDGI Attends Interop & Cloud Connect 2016

51. Industry News
57. Advertisement Index & Exhibition Notice

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