Page 15 - Market Analysis Report of Optical Communications Field in China & Global market 2015
P. 15

Rankings of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical components and auxiliary equipment field of Global market during 2014-2015

                                                     Standard value weighted of the financial data(70% weight)                                                                                                                  Standard value weighted of the survey data(30% weight)

                                                                       Sales The ratio of The average                                                              The average                 Total                                                      Management                                              Comprehensive
                                                     Return Return revenues international growth rate of                                                           growth rate                standard                                                      level of                                                 index of
                                                     on total on net contribution revenue sales revenues                                                           of net profit               value                                                       enterprise
                                                     assets assets per to total sales for the last                                                                 for the last              weighted of                                                                                                          competitiveness
                                                      Standard value weiegmhtpeldoyoefethe firneavnecniauledsata(70th%reweeyigehatr)s                              three years               the financial
Rankings of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical components and auxiliary equipment field of Global market during 2014-2015Company                                                                                                                                                                   $

                            Sales Net        Net                                                                                                                                                                 Technology     Customer        Brand                            Corporation Total standard                        Comprehensive    Source of financial data         Country
                   Ranking revenues assets   profit                                                                                                                                                              innovation     satisfaction  awareness                            culture value weighted                             score of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Standard    value weighted of the survey       data(30% weigohft)thdeastaurvey                   competitiveness

Company                    weight weight     weight  weight           weight           Swaeliegsht           Theweraigtihotof         Thewaevigehrat ge            Thewaevigehrat ge           Tdoattaal           weight         weight       weight       weight                 weight            %          Comprehensive                         Source of financial data     Country
                            S1a8l%es 1N3e%t  1N3e%t  oRne8tt%outranl  Ron8e%tnuernt  corenvtre5ibn%uuteiosn  intreernv6ea%ntiuoneal  sgarloewst1rhe4rv%aetneuoefs  gorfonw1e5tth%prraotfeit   stan$dard        Tec3h4n%ology  Cu1s8to%mer     B1r2a%nd  Malne1av1ge%el mofent  Corp2o5r%ation                       index of Comprehensive
Finisar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Total standard                                     Annual report of listed company   USA
                   Ranking revenues assets   profit  assets           assets             per                 to total sales            for the last                 for the last                value            innovation     satisfaction  awareness    enterprise              culture       value weighted   competitiveness score of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the survey                    competitiveness
                     1 2.1591 0.0636         0.1452  0.0451           0.0155         em-0p.0lo2y8e3e          re0v.e0n1u8e5s          th-r0e.e09y2e0ars            thr0e.e15y0e0ars          weighted of           0.7385        0.4257
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0.3903 0.3045 0.6063 2d.4a6ta53 $
3 1000
                                                                                                                                                                                             the2f.i4n7a6n7cial                                                                                  %

                      weight weight weight weight weight weight weight                                                               weight                        weight                    data weight weight weight weight weight
                                                                                                                                                                   15% $ 34% 18% 12% 11% 25%
                      18% 13% 13% 8% 8%                                              5%                      6%                      14%

Avago 2 0.9832 0.0519 0.0899 0.0101 0.0141 0.0583 0.0293 0.1400 -0.0793 1.2975 0.7294 0.3905 0.3890 0.2842 0.6554 2.4485 1.6428                                                                                                                                                                                                    977 Annual report of listed company USA

Finisar            1 2.1591 0.0636 0.1452 0.0451 0.0155 -0.0283 0.0185                                                               -0.0920                       0.1500                    2.4767 0.7385 0.4257 0.3903 0.3045                                                  0.6063          2.4653           2.4733           1000 Annual report of listed company USA

JDSU 3 1.0758 0.0778 -0.0314 -0.0221 -0.0100 0.0239 0.0076 -0.1400 -0.1334 0.8482 0.7298 0.4184 0.3847 0.2816 0.6426 2.4571 1.3309                                                                                                                                                                                                 968 Annual report of listed company USA
Avago              2 0.9832 0.0519 0.0899 0.0101 0.0141 0.0583 0.0293                                                                0.1400                        -0.0793                   1.2975 0.7294 0.3905 0.3890 0.2842                                                  0.6554          2.4485           1.6428
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   977 Annual report of listed company USA

SumitoJmDoSUElectric 34 10..06870548 00..00737787 -00..00333164 -00..00229271 -00..00211000 -00..00223296 00..00017160               --00..10430806                -00..01932394             00..88445812 00..75279782          00..54108944 00..33879467 00..22181861           00..66459263    22..43547361     11..23390497     996687 AAnnnnuuaall rreeppoorrtt ooff lliisstteedd ccoommppaannyy JUaSpaAn

SumiAtocmceoliEnklectric 45 0.64850474 0.0131771 0.0231361 0.0127997 0.0201508 -0.022606 -00..00101800                               -0.10318668                   -00..00932894 0.83245141 0.571727 0.53069284 0.37946 0.2912881                                                0.6059739       2.3214436        10.28984974      96575 Annual report of listed company JCahpinaan

AFcucjiekulinrak   56 00..44550407 00..00121851 00..00211910 00..00107393 00..00006598 --00..00224650 -00..00008850                  --00..11218689                --00..00338534            00..33221754 00..75712197          00..33763286 00..33672994 00..22193286           00..56027494    22..21184764     00..88889545     995545 AAnnnnuuaall rreeppoorrtt ooff lliisstteedd ccoommppaannyy JCahpinaan

Fujikura           6  0.4500 0.0285 0.0190 0.0033 0.0069 -0.0245                                             0.0085                  -0.1289                       -0.0353                   0.3275              0.7129         0.3736        0.3629      0.2136                 0.5244          2.1874           0.8855           954 Annual report of listed company Japan
Furukawa Electric 7
                      0.3510 0.0334 0.0410 0.0034 0.0103 -0.0025                                             -0.0107                 -0.1400                       -0.1087                   0.1772              0.4367         0.4579        0.4495      0.3370                 0.4025          2.0836           0.7491           948 Annual report of listed company Japan

Furukawa Electric  7  0.3510 0.0334 0.0410 0.0034 0.0103                             -0.0025                 -0.0107                 -0.1400                       -0.1087                   0.1772              0.4367         0.4579        0.4495      0.3370                 0.4025          2.0836           0.7491           948 Annual report of listed company Japan

    Oclaro         8  0.4506 -0.0035 0.0173 -0.2599 -0.1142                          0.0157                  0.0298                  0.0214                        -0.0403                   0.1169              0.5925         0.3527        0.3523      0.1785                 0.6225          2.0985           0.7114           946 Annual report of listed company USA

     Oclaro        8  0.4506 -0.0035 0.0173 -0.2599 -0.1142                          0.0157                  0.0298                  0.0214                        -0.0403                   0.1169              0.5925         0.3527        0.3523      0.1785                 0.6225          2.0985           0.7114           946 Annual report of listed company USA

Fujitsu            9  0.0978 0.0658 0.0394 0.0082 0.0195 0.0121                                              -0.0020                 -0.1400                       -0.1500                   -0.0492             0.5878         0.2931        0.2952      0.3449                 0.5860          2.1070           0.5977           941 Annual report of listed company Japan

Fujitsu            9  0.0978 0.0658 0.0394 0.0082 0.0195 0.0121                                              -0.0020                 -0.1400                       -0.1500                   -0.0492             0.5878         0.2931        0.2952      0.3449                 0.5860          2.1070           0.5977           941 Annual report of listed company Japan

NNeeooPPhhoottoonniiccss 1100 00..22661177 --00..00007755 --00..00334400 --00..00664411 --00..00228866 --00..00221188 00..00225500   00..00116677                  --00..00993366            00..00553388 00..44440088 00..22441100 00..22226688 00..22110066                    00..55772211    11..66991133     00..55445511     993399 AAnnnnuuaall rreeppoorrtt ooff lliisstteedd ccoommppaannyy UUSSAA

Note 1: For the financial data of sales revenues indicator, due to enterprises’ sales revenues derived from diversified products, the data we collect is based on the revenues of relevant products in each sub-sectors of optical communications division. Net profit data is collected from
tthee rrelleevvaant pprooduuccttss iin tthe ooppticcall commmuuniiccationns diivviissioonn oof thhee eenteerpprriissee;; NNett asssettss ddatta iss colleecctteedd frrom tthe ooptiiccall ccommmmuniccaatiionns diviissionn off tthe enterrpprrisee.
NNoottee 22:: TThhee ccaallccuullaattiioonn ddaattaa ooff rreettuurrnn oonn nneett aasssseettss aanndd rreettuurrnn oonn ttoottaall aasssseettss aarree ccoolllleecctteedd ffrroomm tthhee nneett pprrooffiitt,, nneett aasssseettssaanndd ttoottaall aasssseettss ooff tthhee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn ddiivviissiioonn ooff tthhee sseelleecctteedd eenntteerrpprriisseess.. IIff tthhee eenntteerrpprriissee lliisstteedd ddooeess nnoott rreevveeaall rreelleevvaanntt ddaattaa iinn iittss aannnnuuaall rreeppoorrtt,, tthheeyy wwiillll bbee
tNcNchaaooelltctceeruuell33laae::ttaeeAAsddsseaaffdooccrraccnootthhnrreedduiiannffoolgguurettrroopiinnotthhddreetiiccsaaccooottoofnnrrttthssrreiibboouuffettssniiooaatennlleerpssrraarrrittseeeeevvooseeffnnlittuushhteeeeessdeeccnninootteenntrrhttpprreiirrbbiirssuuaeettiin’’oossknnittnooppgtteeaasrrll, eeppammrrnoodppffiillttmoorryyaaaeettkeeeee,,,, nnntthheeoeettmaarraassottssriieooeettioossnffaasiinnnnuttddbeedrrttoonnivttaaaaisttlliiioooaannnssaa.sslleerrtteessvv.. eennuuee ttoo ttoottaall ssaalleess rreevveennuueess,, tthhee aavveerraaggee ggrroowwtthh rraattee ooff ssaalleess rreevveennuueess ffoorr tthhee llaasstt tthhrreeee yyeeaarrss aanndd tthhee aavveerraaggee ggrroowwtthh rraattee ooff nneett pprrooffiitt ffoorr tthhee llaasstt tthhrreeee yyeeaarrss,, wwee rreeffeerr ttoo
tNhoetere4le:a“Rseedtuarnnnounanl eretpaosrstsetosf” tchaenebnetedrepfriinseesd liinstdeidffeinretnhteforarmnkuinlag.sT,oaanvdomidatkheeninocmomorpeairnabsluebpdriovibslieomn. of net profit caused by the different corporate income tax rate in listed companies and unlisted companies, we define the molecular in the formula as net profit before tax instead
oNfontet4p:r“oRfietstu. rTnhoenfonremt ualsasoeftsc”aclcaunlabteingde“frienteudrninondifnferteanstsfeotrsm” uisla: .RTeotuarvnooidntnhetianscsoemtsp=anraebt lperopfriot bleefmoreoftanxe/tnperot faitscsaeutss;eRdebtuyrtnheonditfofetarel natssceotrsp=oNraettepinrocfoitms ebetafoxrerattaexi/ntolitsatleadscsoemtsp. anies and unlisted companies, we define the molecular in the formula as net profit before tax instead
Nofonteet5p:rForfoitms. Tthheemfoornmituolrainogf dcaaltcau, liat tiisngfo“urnedtutrhnaotnif ntheet aesnsteertsp”riisse: Rcoemtuprnetoitnivenneet sasssceotms=ensemt parinolfyit fbroemfortehetaixn/cnreeat saessinedtsic; aRtoertusr(nthoant itso,tathl easasveetrsa=gNeegt rporwoftihtsrabteefoorferetavxe/ntuoetasl faosrstehtes.last three years & the average growth rate of net profit for the last three years), the monitoring data of
tNhoeteen5t:eFrprorimsethcoemmpoentiittiovreinngesdsaitsa,uist uisalfloyuunndstthaabtleif. tThheeemntaeirnprriesaescoonmfopretthiteiveennetesrsprciosemceosmmpaeintitlyivefrnoemssthiensintacbreiliatyseisinthdaictathtoerso(rtighiantailss, athleesarveevreangueegsrboawsthe rinatteheosfereevnetneurpersisfeosr twhaeslassmt athllreaendyethaersin&crtehaesainvgersaagleesgrreovwethnureasteooffrenceet nptro2fiytefoarrsthmealaksettthhereaevyeeraagrse),gtrhoewmthornaittoeroinfgthdeatpaaostf
t33rcheoeyyvmeeeeaapnnrreusstteeitffsriaapvdrrreirhhsnoeiieggpshhscsoeetomrrevtttphhhaeaaelutnniantittvtohhieoreemnniie,annswlddsauuevisssfettirrnruyyadsgaauaevvaeeplllerryraaavuggecneetliscallteeanavvldbeewliellna...sTTytThhethoeeaedieemmxxthpttarrereeiornmmevreeeiesllaiyytn.shhooTiingghhhhaifgotsshrittseaat,hrnnwegddreaaeorrnwsddtetevvhtraaptihllnruueiseetheuooepcffpooaaetmhrccepeearerrnttitaanditiidinnvlioeciiwnnanddteoliiismccrssaai,tttinootohsrrfetiiannsmbtattihholnieetndyiacctiosoordrmmitnhvppgaaaatliunnntheyydeemminxoaaotryyhifgecctihnaaineauuclsserseeneatattlehhesreeseprssriienttsaavdenneiccddnaoaautmrroeddrspsvvebaa(tatillthuusiveeeeeaooinnvffeetffshiirnnsaeaagwsnneeicclliiegaadnrlleotddcewaalritpntthaareirsccaseooitgsemmnwoppiffeeaicrttsaiiettiisnvvvmeteelynnna.ueelTlessoasssnafiidonnvorddthieetdhexxetihoonlevvaceesriemrrt ahhtphsiiaggrinechhget ooosynnfaeattlaehhbrseensorww&ermhhvtooehallneeel uc..aehBBvsaeuunorttagfiinngereettihhcngeeefrnionsstweea2ccnthooycnneiraaddaltrieoosnrrdomttifhhcanaiirrketddeotryytpsheereaaoorrnfaisstvt,,hfewwoerrhhaoeetghbnneejetthhlgcaeetrsiovtggwittrryhtoohrwwoerftteahhtthyerreeaaoatteeefrnstooth)effewrssppiaartahillseesiensst
r[-e1v,e1n].uWesithdrtohpesctoontshiestneonrcmyaolfasvtaetriasgticealel tveeslta, nthdeinosvteeraddontheeirmepisacntoohnigohveerraglrloswtathndinartdhevaoltuheeroifnfdinicaantcoirasl,dthaetamboyntihtoerianbgnionrdmeaxlodfathtaeoefngterorpwrtihseincdoemxpceatnitibveeneelismsiwnailtledde.cline significantly. To avoid the impact of abnormal change in financial indicators on the objectivity of the enterprise
competitiveness evaluation, we find a practical way to improve it. That is, we set the upper and low limit of standard value in the increase indicators (the average growth rate of revenues for the last three years & the average growth rate of net profit for the last three years) within

[-1,1]. With the consistency of statistical test, the overdone impact on overall standard value of financial data by the abnormal data of growth index can be eliminated.
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