Page 12 - 网络电信2016第17期
P. 12

2 The competitiveness report on "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry of China & Global market in 2016” (Abstract Edition)


Preface • Work summary                                                                                                                                               /1

The 10th Ranking Event of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical
communications field of China & Global Market (2016)

Chapter 1:Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in
the optical communications industry during 2015-2016"
Section 1: Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical                                                                                         /9

communications industry of China during 2015-2016"                                                                                                                   /9

1. Ranking of "the Top 10 comprehensive competitiveness enterprises in the                                                                                           /9
optical communications field of China during 2015-2016"
2. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical fiber and
cable field of China during 2015-2016"                                                                                                                               /10
3. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical transmission
and network access equipment field of China during 2015-2016"                                                                                                        /11
4. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical components
and auxiliary equipment & raw material field of China during 2015-2016"                                                                                              /12
5. Ranking of "the Top 10 brand competitiveness enterprises of the optical
communications field in China market during 2015-2016"                                                                                                               /13
6. The special awards list of the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical
     communications industry of China in 2016                                                                                                                        /14
Section 2: Ranking of "The Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical

communications industry of Global market during 2015-2016"                                                                                                           /15

1. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical fiber and
cable field of Global market during 2015-2016"                                                                                                                       /15
2. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical transmission
and network access equipment field of Global market during 2015-2016"                                                                                                /16
3. Ranking of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical components
          and auxiliary equipment field of Global market during 2015-2016"                                                                                           /17

Chapter 2: The indicator system and data processing of "the Top 10
competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications
industry during 2015-2016" (Omitted due to commercial confidentiality) /18

1. The practical indicator system to evaluate the competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry
2. The indicator system of data in survey and indicators' meaning
3. The calculation methods for the evaluation of the competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry
4. Collection and processing of indicator data
5. Comparison foundation of the enterprise competitiveness in different sub-sectors of the optical communications industry
6. The processing methods of evaluation data
Chapter 3 Figure interpretation for enterprises strength:
           the analysis of the monitor results in financial data
Section 1:The comprehensive evaluation of enterprise competitiveness in
the optical communications industry during 2015-2016                                                                                                                 /18

1. Ranking analysis of “the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications field of during 2015-2016”

2. Forecast and analysis of the optical communications industry
Section 2: Competitiveness analysis of "the Top 10 comprehensive competitiveness

enterprises in the optical communications field of China"                                                                                                            /31

1. 	The standard value of financial data in comparison of 9 individual indicators among the Top 10

comprehensive competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry of China                                                                            /33
2. 	The analysis of the enterprise competitiveness status of the Top 10 comprehensive competitiveness
enterprises in the optical communications industry of China                                                                                                          /36
3. Analysis of strength and weakness of the Top 10 comprehensive competitiveness enterprises in

      the optical communications industry of China                                                                                                                   /42
Section 3:Competitiveness analysis of "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical
fiber and cable field of China"                                                                                                                                      /42

1. The standard value of financial data in comparison of 9 individual indicators among the Top 10                                                                    /44
competitiveness enterprises in the optical fiber and cable field of China
2. The analysis of the enterprise competitiveness status of the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises
in the optical fiber and cable field of China                                                                                                                        /47

        To order the competitiveness report of “the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry of 2016”
(integrated version, 386 pages), please contact Mr. Zhang. Tel: 021-54830451, Fax: 021-54429643, Email:
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