Page 54 - 2015年光通信竞争力报告(摘要版)
P. 54

32 The competitiveness report on "the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry of China & Global market in 2015” (Abstract Edition)

          …For more details please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in

the optical communications industry of China & Global market during 2014-2015' (Integrated Edition)"

   1. The standard value of financial data in comparison of 9 individual indicators among the top 10
competitiveness enterprises in the optical transmission and network access equipment field of China

   Chart 4-4-1 The standard value of sales revenues in comparison of the top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the
optical transmission and network access equipment field

         …For more details please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in

the optical communications industry of China & Global market during 2014-2015' (Integrated Edition)"

   2. The analysis of the enterprise competitiveness status of the top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the
optical transmission and network access equipment field of China

   Chart 4-4-10 The competitiveness chart of Huawei

Chart4-2-10 The competitiveness analysis chart of Huawei during 2014-2015                      Chart4-2-10 (1) The competitiveness analysis of Huawei in comparison during 2013-2015

                                           sales revenues˄18% weight˅                                                                         sales revenues˄18% weight˅
                                                2.5000                                                                                              2.5000

The average growth rate of net profit for  2.0000                         net assets           The average growth rate of net profit for the  2.0000                      net assets˄13% weight˅
   the last three years˄15% weight˅        1.5000                      ˄13% weight˅                    last three years˄15% weight˅           1.5000

The average growth rate of                 1.0000 0.9013 0.9101                                The average growth rate of sales               1.0000
sales revenues for the last                                                                    revenues for the last three years
three years˄14% weight˅                           0.5000                                                                                      0.5000
                                           0.1500                                                         ˄14% weight˅
                                                           0.2609          net profit                                                         0.0000                      net profit˄13% weight˅
                                                  0.0000               ˄13% weight˅

                                           0.1013                                                                                             -0.5000

                                           0.2183          0.0329

                                           0.0302 0.3214                                       The ratio of international revenues to
                                                                                                total sales revenues˄6% weight˅
The ratio of international revenues to                                 return on total assets                                                                            return on total assets
 total sales revenues˄6% weight˅                                           ˄8% weight˅                                                                                       ˄8% weight˅

sales revenues contribution per                    Huawei  return on net assets                figures of 2013                                Huawei   return on net assets
    employee˄5% weight˅                                       ˄8% weight˅                      figures of 2014                                            ˄8% weight˅
                                                                                               figures of 2015 sales revenues contribution

                                                                                                                 per employee˄5% weight˅

         …For more details please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in
the optical communications industry of China & Global market during 2014-2015' (Integrated Edition)"

                   Chapter 5: Feature of enterprise competitiveness
                          (Omitted due to commercial confidential)

      Chapter 6:Market analysis report of the optical communications field
                             in China & Global market in 2015

Even though the world economic recovery is slower than expected, global telecommunications and data communications markets have
gradually recovered in the whole year of 2014. With the rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet service, Chinese optical
fiber and cable industry also enjoy faster development. ..

         …For more details please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in
the optical communications industry of China & Global market during 2014-2015' (Integrated Edition)"


1. The financial data of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of China
2. The financial data of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of Global market
3. The standard value of the financial data of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of China
4. The standard value of the financial data of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of

   Global market
5. The financial data in comparison of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of China
6. The financial data in comparison of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in each sub-sectors of the optical communications industry of

   Global market
7. The profile of special award winners of Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in the optical communications industry of China in 2015

         …For more details please refer to " The competitiveness report on 'the Top 10 competitiveness enterprises in
the optical communications industry of China & Global market during 2014-2015' (Integrated Edition)"
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